




✅ 井端ジャパン、U15ワールドカップ初優勝 激闘制して悲願…小久保が窮地救う好返球

「第6回 WBSC U-15 ワールドカップ」が25日(日本時間26日)、コロンビア・バランキージャで決勝戦が行われ、井端弘和監督が率いる侍ジャパンU-15代表はプエルトリコに7-6で勝利。大会初優勝を飾り、選手たちは歓喜に酔いしれた。




「第6回 WBSC U-15 ワールドカップ」は16日(同17日)から10日間かけて開催され、日本はオープニングラウンド5戦全勝を飾った。グアムとの第4戦では先発した大久保遼投手(東京ヴェルディボーイズ)が、5回参考ながらノーヒットノーランを達成した。スーパーラウンドではチャイニーズ・タイペイに7回2死から逆転負けを喫したものの、4勝1敗で勝ち抜け、2016年の第3回大会(福島県いわき市開催)以来2回目、海外開催では初めての決勝へと駒を進めていた。



The final match of the 6th WBSC U-15 World Cup was held on the 25th (26th Japan time) in Barranquilla, Colombia, where Samurai Japan's U-15 team, led by manager Hirokazu Ibata, claimed their first-ever championship by defeating Puerto Rico 7-6. The players were overwhelmed with joy as they celebrated their victory.

Masaki Hayashi (Hidaka Little Senior) was entrusted with the starting mound, but he found himself in a bases-loaded, no-out jam in the first inning due to walks and hit batters, eventually allowing the first run on a sacrifice fly. However, Yuga Arai (Fujioka Boys) tied the game with a timely triple right after, and in the second inning, Japan took a 3-1 lead with a timely hit from Sho Omiya (Tohoku Rakuten Little Senior) and a wild pitch.

In the third inning, Hayashi again loaded the bases with no outs and allowed two runs on walks, tying the game. A sacrifice fly allowed Puerto Rico to regain the lead. Yet, Samurai Japan did not give up. Ryota Okada (Kumamoto Shisui Boys) hit a triple to tie the game again, and Yusei Niwa (Aichi Oshu Boys) delivered a timely single to right field, giving Japan the lead. In the fourth inning, Saishi Nakajima (Iizuka Boys) added a crucial two-run triple down the right-field line.

In the sixth inning, with a 7-5 lead, Japan faced a major crisis with runners on second and third with two outs. Puerto Rico managed to close the gap to one run with a single to center field. The runner from second tried to score, but Hayato Kokubo (Aichi Meiko Boys) made a brilliant throw from center field, and catcher Sora Nakajima (Sakura Senior) skillfully caught the ball and made the tag to get the out, saving the game. In the final seventh inning, Koki Tokura (Sayama Seibu Boys) faced a one-out, runners on first and second situation where a single hit could have turned the game around, but with Keita Kawakami (Akashi Boys) making an excellent defensive play, Japan secured a narrow 7-6 victory and their long-awaited first championship.

The 6th WBSC U-15 World Cup was held over ten days, starting on the 16th (17th Japan time). Japan won all five games in the opening round. In the fourth game against Guam, starting pitcher Ryo Okubo (Tokyo Verdy Boys) achieved a no-hitter over five innings (as per tournament rules). In the Super Round, Japan suffered a heartbreaking loss to Chinese Taipei after giving up a lead with two outs in the seventh inning, but they advanced to the final with a 4-1 record, marking their second appearance in the final since the 3rd tournament in 2016 (held in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture) and their first final in an overseas tournament.

Manager Ibata was appointed the new manager of the top Samurai Japan team on October 4th last year. He also serves as the U-15 team manager, making him the first top team manager to also lead a youth team. "I’ve emphasized unity, and the conduct and behavior expected of a Japanese national team member to the under-age groups. I think that’s the key," he shared his thoughts.

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✅ プロ経験者のアマチュア指導はいろいろハードルが高くて、サッカーなどのように「ふらっと来て教える」ことが未だにできないのは、前時代のジィサンたちの負の遺産とサボタージュの結果。


✅ おめでとう

✅ U−15とはいえ選手達の身長も高いですね。若い子達の活躍、本当に頼もしく嬉しいです。優勝おめでとうございます。昔に比べて今は野球をする少年が減っていると聞いて危惧していましたが、こうやって頑張っている子達の存在は野球界発展の為に本当に貢献してくれますね。指導者の皆さんや親御さんの献身さには頭が下がります。これからも野球界の為に貢献して下さる事を期待しています。

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