
「劇症溶連菌」患者 最多ペース[2024.4.2]

「劇症溶連菌」患者 最多ペース



✅ 「劇症溶連菌」患者、最多ペース 昨年上回る、毒素多い株も





The number of patients with "streptococcal toxic shock syndrome," caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, is increasing at a pace surpassing last year's record high. According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, there were 556 reports by March 24th this year, exceeding half of last year's 941 cases. Detection of the "M1UK" strain, known for its high toxin levels and easy spread of infection, is also increasing. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is urging thorough implementation of basic infection prevention measures such as hand hygiene. Streptococcus pyogenes is known to cause pharyngitis, but rarely progresses rapidly to toxic shock syndrome, also dubbed "flesh-eating bacteria," with a mortality rate of 30-70%.The causative agents of toxic shock syndrome include Group A, B, and G streptococci. According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Group A streptococci account for over 60% this year, higher than usual. Among the 335 reported cases by March 17th, most were in their 60s, but there were also over 40 cases each in their 40s and 50s. Among those reported, 77 had died, including one person in their 20s.

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✅ 私も喉から感染して、声帯まで喰われそうになった。40度の発熱。ペニシリンを点滴してもらった。近所の小児科医の先生が病院の前で苦しそうに倒れていた私を特別に診てくれた。先生は2年前に亡くなってしまったけれど、ご恩は忘れません。感謝です。
✅ 通常は感染・発症しても咽頭炎くらいしか起こさないので、いわゆる「ただの風邪」として扱われていた。
✅ 何が恐ろしいかと言うと、この人食いバクテリアに感染すると、足先の場合なら、1時間で約2cm、10時間後には約20cmといった凄いスピードで、人体の細胞を破壊され、治療が遅れ、翌日まで病院にも行かず、自宅療養で様子見をしていると、足や手を切断するだけでは間に合わず、多臓器不全で死に至ります。



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