
「商品」の国際価格が高騰 背景は[2024.8.28]

「商品」の国際価格が高騰 背景は



✅ オレンジ、カカオ、銅…「商品」が軒並み高騰 共通項は「供給制約」









The international prices of "commodities" such as agricultural products and metals, which are traded in large quantities worldwide, are rising across the board. In agricultural products, cocoa beans and orange juice, and in metals, copper have reached record highs this year. A common underlying factor is "supply-side constraints" due to geopolitical tensions and climate change. There are concerns that this could prolong global inflation.

These commodities are mainly traded as futures on commodity exchanges around the world, with market prices fluctuating continuously. Other agricultural products like coffee beans and olive oil, as well as metals such as aluminum and tin, are also seeing price increases.

Although the situation has stabilized now, after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, prices of energy sources like crude oil and natural gas, as well as grains like wheat and corn, soared to historic levels.

The price increases are believed to be driven by supply shortages. Factors include escalating conflicts in production areas, economic sanctions by Western countries against Russia and others, extreme weather conditions, the spread of diseases, rising environmental awareness, and resource nationalism.

Commodity prices, including crude oil, also surged in the 2000s, but Paul Bloxham of HSBC notes, "At that time, the main reason was the 'increase in demand' driven by the rise of emerging markets like China." As demand grew, investment activities intensified, but the economic downturn following the Lehman Brothers collapse helped alleviate the sense of excess demand.

However, regarding the current supply shortages driving up prices, Bloxham states, "Geopolitical tensions and climate change are not problems that can be quickly resolved. They could prolong global inflation, keep interest rates high for longer, and weigh on economic growth."

Japan relies heavily on imports for most of these commodities, so exchange rates also play a role. Although the yen has strengthened slightly from the 160 yen per dollar level seen in July, it remains weak at around 145 yen per dollar, likely keeping import prices high. The rise in commodity prices may continue to exert inflationary pressure in Japan as well.

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✅ 食料品価格の高騰については、天候要因の影響が大きいとみられます。2000~22年にかけてはパンデミックのサプライチェーン混乱、ウクライナ戦争による各国対立といった混乱も見られましたが、これらの影響は概ね排除されています。2022年に過去最高値を更新していた小麦相場も、既に高値の1/3程度の価格まで下落しています。現在は4年ぶりの安値圏です。一般的なイメージとは異なり、昨年は特にロシア産小麦の大量かつ安価な輸出が、国際価格を急落させました。現在も価格が高騰(もしくは高止まり)しているのは、コーヒー、ココア、オレンジジュースなど、天候不順が続く赤道付近で生産される農産物が中心です。穀物価格は逆に豊作で価格急低下し、農家が疲弊し始めています。ただし、今年は秋から農産物の不作を招く可能性が高い異常気象ラニーニャ現象の発生確率が高いと予想されています。天候次第の綱渡り状態が続く見通しです。
✅ 物価が上がるのは当然だよね。世界の人口が増えて、特に新興国の経済力が高まってるから、需要も増える一方だし、それに応じて価格も上がるのは自然な流れ。加えて、各国が通貨供給を増やしている現状では、ますますインフレが進むのは避けられない。それに、地政学的なリスクや気候変動による供給の不安定さも加わって、商品価格がさらに上昇してる。この状況を考えたら、日本ももっと自給率を上げるための対策を真剣に考えるべきだと思う。今後も続くであろう世界的なインフレに備えないと、国民生活がますます厳しくなるよ。
✅ 随分前に「フラット化する世界」という本を読みました。20年以上前だったと思いますが、まさにそれが今現実になりつつあります。


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