
うつ病リスクも スマホ脳疲労とは[2024.6.22]

うつ病リスクも スマホ脳疲労とは



✅ 「スマホ脳疲労」もの忘れ・うつの原因に……脳神経専門医オススメ“スマホ3か条”で早期改善へ『every.16時特集』






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脳神経外科医 奥村 歩 医師


脳神経外科医 奥村 歩 医師


脳神経外科医 奥村 歩 医師




脳神経外科医 奥村 歩 医師










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脳神経内科医 内野勝行 医師



















(6月19日『news every.』16時特集より)


Recently, there has been an increase in memory loss and depression among younger generations. The cause is said to be "smartphone brain fatigue," which has a significant impact on the brain due to excessive smartphone use. What do neurological specialists recommend for revising smartphone usage and living a life that stimulates the five senses?


At the Tokyo Neurology Clinic in Katsushika Ward, Tokyo (Kanamachi Ekimae Neurology Clinic), 34-year-old Mr. Ohno, who visited the clinic for the first time today, shared his experience.

Shohtaro Ohno (34):
"Even while working, my head feels foggy, and by the afternoon, I wonder if it was always like this."

He reported experiencing increased memory loss over the past six months, which has affected his work. According to Dr. Katsuyuki Uchino, the clinic's director, such "memory loss in young people" has been on the rise recently.

Shohtaro Ohno (34):
"I stay up until around 1 a.m..."

Neurologist Katsuyuki Uchino:
"I see, watching various videos on your smartphone?"

Shohtaro Ohno (34):
"Watching videos or working from home."

Katsuyuki Uchino:
"It might be due to your smartphone usage."

The suspected cause is "smartphone brain fatigue," which significantly impacts the brain due to excessive smartphone use.


### The Risk of Depression... The Relationship Between Smartphones and the Brain

Dr. Ayumi Okumura, a neurosurgeon at Okumura Memory Clinic in Ginan Town, Gifu, was one of the first in Japan to research the relationship between smartphones and the brain.

Neurosurgeon Ayumi Okumura:
"A characteristic of this is the decline in the function of the frontal lobe of the brain. That is 'smartphone brain fatigue.'"

When examining the brains of patients with smartphone brain fatigue, a lot of blue areas indicating decreased activity in the frontal lobe, responsible for memory and thinking, are observed, which is similar to the state of dementia.

This is the medical record of a 42-year-old woman diagnosed with smartphone brain fatigue:
"Severe memory loss and lack of concentration."
"Can't remember what I did yesterday."

The 42-year-old woman was constantly using her smartphone throughout the day and eventually felt breathless upon hearing email notification sounds.

Neurosurgeon Ayumi Okumura:
"Leaving the fatigue of the frontal lobe caused by 'smartphone brain fatigue' untreated is increasing the number of young people developing depression."

### The Recommended Smartphone Usage to Prevent Smartphone Brain Fatigue

Neurosurgeon Ayumi Okumura:
"Because smartphones are portable, you can use them anywhere, leading to 'multitasking smartphone use' and 'mindless smartphone use.'"

Multitasking smartphone use refers to using a smartphone while eating, etc., and mindless smartphone use refers to looking at a smartphone aimlessly.

Neurosurgeon Ayumi Okumura:
"This causes a vast amount of information to enter the brain, and the impact remains at night, preventing deep sleep. This creates brain fatigue."

Unconsciously receiving a lot of information through multitasking smartphone use causes the brain to keep running at full capacity, which prevents deep sleep and leads to smartphone brain fatigue.


### Stimulating the Five Senses to Recover Brain Function

How can we improve this?

Neurosurgeon Ayumi Okumura:
"It’s just that the brain is temporarily tired and showing symptoms similar to dementia, so by improving your lifestyle, reviewing your smartphone usage, and ensuring you get a good night's sleep, you can recover brain function."

Dr. Okumura recommended "Three Principles for Smart Smartphone Use."

1. Stop multitasking smartphone use and focus solely on the smartphone.
2. Avoid using smartphones before bed as it hinders deep sleep.
3. Actively stimulate the five senses. Balance sensory stimulation by listening, tasting, etc., if you use visual senses with your smartphone.

By following these guidelines, the symptoms of a woman with smartphone brain fatigue improved in about a month.


### Preventing Brain Fatigue

Meanwhile, Mr. Ohno (34), recently diagnosed with smartphone brain fatigue, reported that he often worked from home and tended to stay indoors, which "prevented proper stimulation of the five senses."

Dr. Uchino advised incorporating "certain sounds" and "certain tastes" into his daily life to stimulate his senses at home.

### Experiencing Brain-Friendly "Gamma Wave Sounds"

At an event in Shibamata, Tokyo, participants experienced these sounds and tastes. Dr. Uchino conducted this "brain-friendly experience" for local seniors.

The vibrating sound is called "gamma wave sound," which is processed to make it easier to reduce amyloid-beta protein, which accumulates in the brain, by making an effort to listen to it.

Neurologist Katsuyuki Uchino:
"Experiments have shown that just listening to gamma waves can reduce amyloid-beta protein, a cause of Alzheimer's disease. Since amyloid-beta starts accumulating from the 30s, reducing it is very important."

### Doctor-Designed Soup with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Additionally, to stimulate the sense of taste, Dr. Uchino designed a soup using tomatoes and vegetables rich in antioxidants and drizzled with flaxseed oil, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Neurologist Katsuyuki Uchino:
"Taking omega-3s increases blood flow, which circulates oxygen in the brain, improving blood flow and reducing the risk of dementia and depression."

Participant tasting the soup:
"It's delicious."


Mr. Ohno decided to incorporate these tastes and sounds into his life and follow the "three principles for smartphone use." Three weeks after his consultation, Mr. Ohno arrived on a bicycle, reporting that his memory had improved recently.

Mr. Ohno:
"Yes, I think my condition has improved."

"By setting a time limit on smartphone use and avoiding unnecessary use at night, I can wake up feeling refreshed in the

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✅ 秋葉原の万世橋交差点で信号待ちをしていたらまだ赤信号なのに隣にいた若いお母さんがながらスマホでベビーカー(当然、赤ん坊が乗っている)を押して横断歩道を渡り始めた。私も周りの人も大声で止めようと声をかけ、周りの車もクラクションを鳴らしまくっているのに結局その若いお母さんはながらスマホのまま横断歩道を無事に渡りきった。自分の命も我が子の命も忘れるほどのスマホ中毒の恐ろしさを実感した。
✅ スマホ脳疲労って、今の時代避けられないけど、若い世代にまで影響が広がってるのはちょっと怖いよね。自分も寝る前にスマホいじるのが習慣化してるけど、これが脳にダメージ与えてるとは思わなかった。仕事や動画、SNSをずっと見続けて、前頭葉が疲れてボーっとしちゃうのも無理ないよね。なんか、ちょっとした依存症みたいな感じで。五感を刺激する生活って言われてもピンとこないけど、読書や散歩とか、アナログな楽しみ方を増やすのが結局いいのかも。スマホばっかりじゃなくて、自然に触れたり、人と直接話したりして、脳をリフレッシュすることが大事だなって改めて思う。皆も少しスマホと距離を置いて、自分の時間を大切にしてほしいな。
✅ 何事も適度に楽しむことが良いんでしょうけど、つい依存してしまいますね。スマホ脳疲労も、生活している内にスマホで動画を見たり、ゲームしたりするのが、当たり前で手放せなくなることによって、そうした疲労を脳に生み出しているのかも知れません。そうしている内に、ご飯を食べている間にもスマホで記事や動画を見たりするのが私も普通になっております。スマホと適度に距離をおくことを意識した方が良いのかなと思いました。


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