
アスリート遺伝子研究を停止 JISS[2024.9.16]

アスリート遺伝子研究を停止 JISS



✅ アスリート遺伝子の研究を停止 国立スポーツ科学センター





The Japan Sport Council (JSC) and the National Institute of Sports Science began a study to investigate the relationship between the genes of top athletes, their performance in competitions, and injury risks. However, it was revealed on the 16th that the study had been suspended. Launched in fiscal year 2017, the study was halted in 2022 after concerns were raised internally that it might lead to athlete selection and discrimination, and external experts were also consulted. The more than 2,000 participants who cooperated in the study have not yet been informed of these developments.

A spokesperson said, "Considering whether we can take full responsibility for the research results, we decided that it would be better to proceed with caution. Once we have a clearer direction for the future, we must inform the athletes who participated."

The study, called the "LEGACY 2020 Project," was planned to leave a "legacy" from the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and it began after being approved by the ethics committee within the institute.

In order to investigate the relationship between competition performance, training effects, injury risks, and genetic information, blood samples, as well as data on athletic history and past injuries, were collected from athletes designated for development by various sports organizations.

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✅ 能力に差異があることは、みんな周知の事実ですよね。
✅ 本当に難しい判断ですが個人的にはもったいないかと




✅ 研究自体はデータの個人情報が担保されているなら止める必要はないと思うが、トップレヴェルの選手だと難しいということなんでしようかね。とはいえ「国立スポーツ科学センター」の存在を始めて知ったが、巨大で多額の予算が投入されてそうですね。スポーツ庁が超党派の議員の動きで作られた時もスポーツ関係者の自己主張と利益拡大の欲望の強さを感じたが、森元首相のグレーな話題も踏まえると、スポーツと政治の結びつきに徹底的にメスを入れる必要性を感じます。


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