
キリン 成田悠輔氏の広告取り下げ[2024.3.12]

キリン 成田悠輔氏の広告取り下げ



✅ キリン、成田悠輔氏の「氷結」広告を取り下げ 「高齢者は集団自決」発言に強まる批判 「過度な表現あった」と説明


成田氏は2021年、インターネット番組「ABEMA Prime」に出演した際、少子高齢化問題などをめぐり次のように発言した。







In response to mounting criticism over the inclusion of economist Yusuke Narita in the web advertisements for "Hiyashi-Mizu Muscat" canned chu-hi, Kirin announced on the 12th that they have withdrawn some of the ads. In their statement to the media, they noted, "We have deemed Mr. Narita's remarks to contain excessive expressions."

Mr. Narita made the following statements when he appeared on the internet program "ABEMA Prime" in 2021, discussing issues such as the declining birthrate and aging population:

"I firmly believe that there is only one solution, and ultimately, there is nothing but collective self-determination or group seppuku for the elderly. I am quite serious, and I still believe that knowing when to exit is crucial for humans. It doesn't have to be just physical seppuku; it can also be social seppuku. It is a clear problem in this country that people who continue to occupy important positions in society, using their past achievements, are too numerous across various layers. There are people who do not have their wheels turning at all or who cannot have a conversation occupying crucial positions in society. We need to create more situations where those who should disappear continue to be told to disappear."

His remarks were criticized as discriminatory, and they received extensive coverage even in the U.S. newspaper The New York Times. Yale University, where Mr. Narita serves as an assistant professor, issued a statement saying, "Mr. Narita's opinions are his own and do not represent the views of Yale University." The controversy led Mr. Narita to resign as a commentator on the same program.

Starting this month, Kirin had chosen to feature Mr. Narita in the web advertisements for Hiyashi-Mizu Muscat. However, comments such as "Why would you choose someone who made such remarks?" flooded the official X channel, and posts with the hashtag #KirinBoycott began to appear, prompting criticism from consumers.

In response to inquiries from the Mai Do Na News editorial department, the company explained its intention behind featuring Mr. Narita in the web advertisements as aiming to have individuals from various backgrounds speak about the merits of Hiyashi-Mizu Muscat in their own words.

Furthermore, the company stated, "Regardless of whether certain expressions in Mr. Narita's past remarks were metaphors or not, we have deemed them to contain excessive expressions. Due to various opinions received regarding this web advertisement, we have made a comprehensive judgment and decided to withdraw some posts." This decision to withdraw advertisements was made clear, including posts on official social media channels. Additionally, while photos and comments of other image characters were previously featured alongside on the product page of the official website, as of 5 p.m. on the 12th, only Mr. Narita's content has been removed.

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✅ 私は、「集団自決すればいい」の発言の前後も聞きました。




✅ 彼の言い方は過激かもしれないけど、言ってることは間違ってないと思いますね。現代社会の複雑な問題を解決するには、最先端の技術や能力を理解し実行できる実務経験、結果に対するコミットメント、それをやり切るバイタリティが必要になる。そのためには30代から50代の現役世代が必要なわけです。ところが、調整力とか、ネームバリューというよくわからない側面で年寄が口を出す。かれらは実行力はないし、そこまでのバイタリティもないが、自分と仲間のポジションの確保のためクレームばかりいれて、反対勢力を煽動し、結果として社会における効用を低減するという動きを繰り返していると思いますね(で、コミットメントはしない)。集団自決しなくてもいいが、若者を道を譲ることは大事です。
✅ 植物は種から芽が出て花が咲いて実がなって、その後は自然と枯れていくわけで、動物は自分でエサが獲れなくなったら最期を迎えるわけで、人間も同じでいいのにな、って思います。

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