
コロナワクチンの健康被害、130人を救済認定 うち10人は死亡 茨城[2024.7.30]

コロナワクチンの健康被害、130人を救済認定 うち10人は死亡 茨城



✅ コロナワクチンの健康被害、130人を救済認定 うち10人は死亡 茨城

2021年に始まった新型コロナウイルスのワクチン接種後に 健康被害を訴えた人のうち、 茨城県内の130人が10日までに、接種との因果関係を否定できないとして国の予防接種 健康被害救済制度で救済認定されたことが県のまとめで判明した。うち10人は亡くなっており死亡一時金などが遺族らに支給され、120人には障害年金や医療費などの給付が認められた。



As of the 10th, 130 people in Ibaraki Prefecture who reported health issues following COVID-19 vaccinations, which began in 2021, have been recognized under the national vaccination health damage relief system for cases where a causal relationship with the vaccination could not be ruled out. This information was compiled by the prefecture. Among these individuals, 10 have died, with their families receiving lump-sum death payments and other compensation. The remaining 120 individuals have been granted disability pensions or medical expense coverage.

According to the Prefectural Disease Control Division, 192 relief applications had been received through municipalities by the 10th. In addition to the 10 deceased, one person with lasting disabilities has been awarded a disability pension, while 119 people have been approved for medical expense coverage and other benefits.

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