
コロナ定期接種 10月1日に開始[2024.7.18]

コロナ定期接種 10月1日に開始



✅ コロナ定期接種が10月開始 高齢者ら対象、年度末まで





It was reported on the 18th, through an interview with the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare, that regular COVID-19 vaccinations for seniors aged 65 and older will begin on October 1st. Vaccinations will commence in municipalities and medical institutions that are prepared. The specific vaccination period will be determined by each municipality between now and March 31st of next year.

The regular vaccination program targets seniors aged 65 and older, as well as individuals aged 60-64 with underlying conditions such as heart, kidney, or respiratory disorders. The goal is to prevent severe illness, and the vaccine will be administered once a year. The out-of-pocket cost will vary by municipality, but the national government will subsidize up to ¥7,000 per shot, with a grant of ¥8,300 per shot provided to each municipality.

Simultaneous vaccination with other vaccines, such as those for influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia, will be possible if a physician deems it particularly necessary. There will be no restrictions on the interval between vaccinations if they are not administered simultaneously. The vaccines used are expected to include those effective against the Omicron variant "JN.1" and similar variants.

Vaccinations administered outside the periods set by municipalities or to individuals not in the target groups will generally be optional and fully self-funded.

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✅ もう世界じゃ打ってないし、ファイザーが訴えられているのに、定期接種とか信じられない。
✅ ワクチン接種2回受けましたが接種後倦怠感が凄かった。コロナに罹患した後も倦怠感、息切れ、喉の痛みが続きました。今まで健康診断で肝機能数値の異常を指示されたことが無かったのに昨年の健康診断で肝機能障害が判り原因不明の急性肝炎で入院しました。私にはワクチン接種の効果は無かった。悔やんでます。個人で判断して欲しい。
✅ 65歳以上と60〜64歳の基礎疾患ありの人が対象?

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