




✅ 「光の見えないトンネルの中にいるよう」、コロナ後遺症の苦しみ今も…周囲の理解得られず精神的苦痛も


■ 誰でもなり得る





■ メカニズム不明



せきや息苦しさなどの呼吸器症状のほか、疲労感・ 倦怠けんたい 感、睡眠障害、集中力低下、味覚障害や嗅覚障害などの神経症状も多くみられた。後遺症を訴える人のうち約1割が「生活に深刻な影響がある」と答えた。

 下畑 享良たかよし ・岐阜大教授(脳神経内科)は「ウイルスによる炎症が長引き、脳にダメージを与えることで、疲労や認知機能の低下などの神経症状が続くと考えられる。後遺症の深刻さを踏まえると、引き続きこまめな手洗いなど基本的な予防対策が重要だ」と話す。

■ 仕事に支障






■ 感染者報告 12週連続減




It has been one year since the reclassification of COVID-19 under the Infectious Diseases Control Law to Category 5, the same as seasonal influenza, on the 8th. While daily life has returned to pre-pandemic normalcy, many people still suffer from post-COVID conditions. These long-term effects often lack understanding from those around them, and experts emphasize the need for support.

**Anyone Can Be Affected**

A 51-year-old woman in Tokyo was infected in July 2022. She was working as an office worker at a local clinic and was overwhelmed by the influx of patients during the seventh wave of infections. Even after returning to work, she couldn't stop coughing and experienced pain throughout her body, making it impossible to continue working. Now, 22 months after her infection, she still suffers from fatigue and insomnia, preventing her from working.

She is living on workers' compensation and says, "I don't know when I'll recover; it's like being in a tunnel with no end in sight."

The post-COVID clinic at Hirahata Clinic in Shibuya, Tokyo, has seen around 7,000 patients. Dr. Koichi Hirahata, the 46-year-old director, notes, "Severe cases are more common in women than men. Anyone can be affected, regardless of pre-existing conditions or sports experience."

**Unknown Mechanisms**

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines post-COVID conditions as symptoms that persist for at least two months and cannot be explained by other illnesses, starting three months after infection. Much remains unknown about the mechanisms and prevalence of these symptoms, and there is no established treatment.

A study conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare from November 2022 to March 2023 on residents in three municipalities (Sapporo City, Shinagawa Ward in Tokyo, and Yao City in Osaka) found that 10-20% of adult COVID-19 patients reported symptoms likely attributable to post-COVID conditions.

In addition to respiratory symptoms like cough and shortness of breath, many reported fatigue, sleep disorders, reduced concentration, and neurological symptoms such as taste and smell disorders. About 10% of those with post-COVID conditions reported significant impacts on their daily lives.

Takayoshi Shimohata, a professor of neurology at Gifu University, explains, "Prolonged inflammation from the virus may cause brain damage, leading to persistent neurological symptoms like fatigue and cognitive decline. Considering the severity of post-COVID conditions, basic preventive measures such as regular hand washing remain important."

**Work Disruptions**

Many patients struggle with a lack of understanding from those around them.

A woman in her 30s from Fukushima Prefecture suffered from shortness of breath and fatigue after infection, but was told by colleagues, "Everyone has lingering symptoms; we all work through them." Eventually, she became unable to get out of bed and quit her job.

After her health improved, she applied for a part-time job in February, only to be told, "There’s no such thing as post-COVID conditions," causing her health to deteriorate again. She says, "The hardest part is not being understood by those around me. I want more people to know about post-COVID conditions."

Okayama University Hospital opened a "COVID Aftercare Clinic" in February 2021, focusing on post-COVID conditions and has seen about 1,000 patients. According to Professor Fumio Otsuka of General Internal Medicine at the university, many patients suffer mental distress from the lack of understanding about their symptoms.

Professor Otsuka notes, "Lack of consideration in workplaces and schools can delay social reintegration. It is necessary to provide flexible working arrangements and support tailored to the symptoms of those with post-COVID conditions."

**Infection Reports Down for 12 Consecutive Weeks**

Regarding the current COVID-19 situation, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced on the 7th that the number of infections reported from approximately 5,000 sentinel medical institutions nationwide during the week of April 22-28 was 3.22 per medical institution, 0.88 times the number from the previous week (3.64), marking a decrease for the 12th consecutive week.

For influenza, the number was 1.07 per medical institution, 0.58 times the previous week's number (1.85), marking a decrease for the sixth consecutive week.

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