
コロナ感染増 夏休み外出どうする[2024.7.20]

コロナ感染増 夏休み外出どうする



✅ 新型コロナ かかった人と話すだけでうつる可能性 「KP.3」感染力強く…夏休みの外出問題ない?








The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced on the 19th that the number of new COVID-19 cases reported in the past week (July 8-14) was 11.18 per medical institution. The number of cases has increased for 10 consecutive weeks, and doctors are urging people to take preventive measures during the summer holidays.

According to the ministry, the number of cases increased in 45 prefectures except Hokkaido and Okinawa. By prefecture, Kagoshima had 31.75 cases (up from 23.13 the previous week), Saga had 29.46 cases (up from 16.31), Miyazaki had 29.34 cases (up from 19.74), Okinawa had 28.57 cases (down from 29.92), and Kumamoto had 26.33 cases (up from 18.24). Kagoshima, Saga, and Miyazaki surpassed Okinawa, which had been the highest for 11 consecutive weeks.

Currently, the predominant strain is the "KP.3" type of the "JN.1" lineage. According to Hiroki Ohashi, the director of Tama Family Clinic in Kawasaki City, the majority of cases are among people in their 20s to 40s. "It seems that if you come into contact with someone who has symptoms like a cough and is not wearing a mask, you can easily catch it," he said.

The symptoms are characterized by a severe sore throat and fever. Initially, there might be a slight discomfort in the throat and some fatigue, but by the next day, the throat pain becomes more intense and a fever of 37.5°C or higher often develops. Ohashi emphasized, "Since the number of cases is increasing, even those with mild symptoms should get tested for COVID-19."

As schools enter summer vacation and more people travel with family and friends, Ohashi stated, "There is no need to avoid travel or visiting family, nor to wear masks for prevention. However, if you feel any throat discomfort or have a slight fever, please stay home for 1-2 days to monitor your symptoms or wear a mask. Being considerate of others is crucial to prevent the spread of infection."

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is also advising people to take preventive measures in the summer, such as ventilating indoor spaces, washing hands and sanitizing, and wearing masks when visiting medical institutions or elderly care facilities.

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✅ 基本的には今まで通り、手洗いや消毒・うがいなどを心掛けるようにする事や人の多い空間に行く時はマスクをするという対策で良いのかな?今の気温でマスクは熱中症の危険もあるからリスクが高いけど・・。まぁ以前からスーパーやコンビニ、電車内などでマスクをせず盛大な咳をしてる人には近づかないようにしてはいる。コロナがどうとか関係無く、あまり気分がいいものじゃないし。
✅ 夏って風邪引きにくいイメージがあるけど、冷房や外と中との気温差、発汗による脱水などで身体の負担が意外と大きい季節だし、自分が思っている以上に免疫力が落ちる時期だと思う。食欲が落ちて栄養不足にもなりやすいし、今感染者が増えているのは特に驚くことでもなく自然な事かなと思う。二年前も夏に感染者が激増した。手洗いうがいと換気、水分補給、十分な睡眠と食事。外からくるウイルスをバリアする事だけじゃなく、免疫力を高めてウイルスを寄せ付けない身体づくりをする事も大切。
✅ コロナが流行ると、パチ屋が混んでいる印象が強い。自己判断なので、検査もしないでいる人もいるし、電車に乗って、中年の女性がマスクもしないで、咳や咳払いをしていて喉を痛めていそうでした。こちらは、マスク着用しているが、とりあえず、その人の近くじゃなく、隣の車両に行きました。風邪でもコロナでもインフルでも、そんな症状の方は、やはりマスクを着用して、周りの人に気をつけてもらいたい。なので、マスクしていない人がうつるだろうとわかる。マスク着用している人は、手洗いやウガイもしているると思う。

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