




✅ コロナ重症化リスク、最も低いのはO型…理由はっきりせず






  東京農工大の水谷哲也教授(ウイルス学)の話 「新型コロナだけでなく感染症全般の重症化に関係する可能性もあり、知見を集めておくことは重要だ」


A research team from Keio University and other institutions announced on the 17th that they have discovered genetic traits in Japanese people that increase the risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

Last May, Keio University, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and others formed the "COVID-19 Task Force" research team. They collected blood and other samples from over 3,400 patients from more than 100 medical institutions nationwide and analyzed their genetic information. The virus that infected these patients is believed to be primarily the original strain.

The study compared 440 severe patients under the age of 65 with 2,377 general individuals and found that certain genetic differences near the "DOCK2" gene doubled the risk of severe illness. DOCK2 is a gene involved in immunity, and about 20% of Japanese people have this genetic difference.

The research team also conducted an analysis based on blood type. They found that the risk of severe illness was lowest for blood type O, about 1.2 times higher for blood types A and B, and about 1.6 times higher for blood type AB. The reason for this is not clear.

The susceptibility to severe illness is influenced not only by genetic information but also by factors such as obesity, underlying health conditions, and viral mutations.

Professor Tetsuya Mizutani of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (virology) commented, "Collecting knowledge is important as it may relate to the severity of not only COVID-19 but infectious diseases in general."

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