
セクハラで労災認定 休職中に解雇[2024.4.17]

セクハラで労災認定 休職中に解雇



✅ 職場のセクハラで労災認定、休職中の女性を解雇 福岡の会社が労基法違反か 弁護士「氷山の一角」








 熊本大の中内哲教授(労働法)の話 中小企業で法務担当を置くケースはそう多くはなく、コンプライアンス(法令順守)意識を高める努力が欠かせない。弁護士や社会保険労務士とも対話して労働関連法への理解を深める必要がある。今回のように労災認定された場合、休職期間満了に伴う解雇・退職ではなく、例えば取引先やグループ企業での就労を提案するなど雇用継続に向けた配慮を模索すべきではないか。


A woman in her 20s in Fukuoka City, who was certified as having a mental disorder due to workplace sexual harassment, has been found to have been dismissed while on leave. The Labor Standards Act prohibits the dismissal of employees who become ill due to work. When the woman's legal representative lawyer pointed out the violation of the law to the company, they notified her on the 4th that they would withdraw the dismissal and pay her severance pay through voluntary resignation.

The lawyer criticized the company's response of urging the woman to resign without making arrangements for her return to work, saying, "This case is just the tip of the iceberg. Many people refrain from applying for workers' compensation out of concern for others' perceptions."

According to sources, after joining the company in the spring of 2021, the woman was closely approached by a male instructor at the company and at social gatherings, and the acts continued intermittently, including being touched on the head and cheeks. She was diagnosed with depression in the fall of 2022 and has been on leave since January 2023. She was certified as having a work-related injury in January this year and was dismissed about two weeks later. The woman said, "I have been doubly victimized by sexual harassment and dismissal."

According to public records, the company is headquartered in Fukuoka City and had only a few employees when the woman was working there. Regarding her dismissal, the company explained to the woman that it was possible according to the employment rules when she could not endure her work due to physical and mental problems and recovery was not expected. A male employee was also summarily indicted for assault for slapping the woman's buttocks as an extension of the sexual harassment and was fined under a summary order.

The Labor Standards Act provides for imprisonment for up to six months or a fine of up to 300,000 yen for business owners, etc. Upon receiving the lawyer's advice, the company responded in writing that they would withdraw the dismissal and pay severance pay if the woman voluntarily resigned. The lawyer said, "Forcing resignation after neglecting consideration for the employee's health and safety is malicious." This newspaper requested an interview with the company, but as of the 16th, there was no response.

Certification of work-related mental disorders due to sexual harassment has been in the 20s in both 2013 and 2016, but has increased to the 60s in both 2021 and 2022. The lawyer said, "There are likely other cases of unjust dismissal during sick leave. Many people refrain from applying for workers' compensation and are often dismissed at the end of their sick leave."

■ Small and medium-sized enterprises need to raise awareness of legal compliance

Prof. Tetsu Nakau at Kumamoto University (labor law): There are not many cases where small and medium-sized enterprises have legal affairs personnel, so efforts to raise compliance awareness are essential. It is necessary to deepen understanding of labor-related laws through dialogue with lawyers and social insurance labor consultants. In cases where certification of work-related injuries is made, consideration should be given to continued employment, such as proposing employment at trading partners or group companies, rather than dismissal or resignation upon completion of sick leave.

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