
マンション 管理費の値上げ相次ぐ[2024.10.13]

マンション 管理費の値上げ相次ぐ



✅ 平屋の家、じわり人気 家事の動線シンプル、維持管理費も抑制 共働き夫婦や独身女性が購入









The number of people considering single-story homes is gradually increasing. Although a large plot is necessary to secure a certain floor area, housing manufacturers are addressing this with innovative design solutions. These homes offer benefits such as simplified workflows for household chores, no steps, and lower maintenance costs, making them attractive not only to elderly households, the traditional buyers, but also to a wider audience.

In July, Totate Housing, a company specializing in custom home design and construction, opened a model house in Hiroshima’s Higashi Ward with a “1.5-story” space. This model features a high ceiling that creates a sense of openness in the living room, along with additional loft and remote work spaces.

About 10% of the homes built by the company are single-story, and the trend is growing. “Working couples and single women are considering single-story homes while comparing them to apartments. The ability to maximize vertical space is a strong advantage,” the company promotes.

According to Recruit (Tokyo), in 2022, the national average “single-story rate”—the proportion of single-story homes among newly constructed residential buildings up to three stories—was 13.7%. The rate was higher in four prefectures in the Chugoku region: Yamaguchi at 34.1%, Shimane at 21.5%, Tottori at 20.0%, and Okayama at 14.9%. In Hiroshima, the rate was 8.5%, nearly double that of 2014.

Mitsui Development (Higashihiroshima), which focuses on single-story homes, features properties with wooden decks and courtyards. They also showcase customers’ lifestyles on their Instagram and blog. Many buyers are in their 30s and 40s, building homes as they get married or have children. A sales representative noted, “There’s growing interest in urban areas like Hiroshima City and Fukuyama City.”

Yamane Holdings (Minami Ward, Hiroshima) is working on a renewal of its single-story product line. Since 2016, the “Small House by Yamane Wood” model has been available for about 5 million yen (excluding tax) for approximately 40 square meters, using wood sourced from Hiroshima Prefecture and efficiently arranging water facilities and large windows.

Although they receive two or three inquiries per month, construction is limited to certain areas due to structural constraints and a lack of contractors. They plan to review the structure by the end of the year to make it available more widely, with a price increase kept within about 1.5 million yen to offset rising material costs.

Executive Vice President Hirotaka Okada stated, “We want to offer a flexible housing option that allows people to live freely without decades-long mortgages.”

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✅ ビバリーヒルズの高級住宅地に建つセレブの住まいは平屋が中心です。ただし、巨大な地下室付きで、鉄筋コンクリート造です。
✅ シンガポールにいる富裕層も日本の住宅は複雑な設計で小さな部屋が多過ぎると言います。海外の家は平家に大きな敷地で開放的で部屋数も少ない場合が多いです。独身や共働き夫婦で収入が多く、子供の教育費もかからない世帯は家にお金をかけることができます。住宅メーカーは様々な要望に対応をしていかなければならないのではないでしょうか。
✅ 近年、平屋が注目されていますが、トレンドは「コンパクト平屋」です。コンパクトであれば、土地面積が小さくて済み、建築コストも抑えることができます。コスパが良いうえ、ミニマリスト、終活などモノを持たない暮らしへのシフトにもマッチします。住まいの拠点として居住するためのものだけでなく、小屋状のもの、ログハウスなど、デザインも多様化しています。


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