
モペット摘発 愛知・大阪で7割超[2024.2.12]

モペット摘発 愛知・大阪で7割超



✅ モペット摘発、愛知・大阪で7割超 東京2割弱、検察が警告歴重視 「自転車だと」言い逃れ多く









The police nationwide cracked down on violations such as riding pedal-assisted mopeds as bicycles, and in the past year, they uncovered 345 cases (about 3.6 times more than the previous year), with Aichi and Osaka Prefectures accounting for over 70% of these cases, as revealed on the 11th.

While Tokyo accounted for less than 20% of the cases, it had the highest number of advisory warnings nationwide.

According to investigative sources, many violators offer excuses such as "I didn't know it was a moped" or "I thought it was a bicycle," causing difficulties for on-site police officers in handling the situations. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) requires past warning records as evidence to prove recognition of the violation upon the prosecution's request. However, in Aichi and Osaka, police and prosecutors have been collaborating to conduct crackdowns even without prior warning records.

Taking this situation into account, the National Police Agency (NPA) plans to amend the Road Traffic Act to explicitly state that pedal-assisted mopeds are not considered bicycles, even when operated solely by pedaling with the engine or motor stopped. Previously, they had been treated as mopeds based on directives. If included in the law, there is a possibility that crackdowns could be initiated from the first violation in Tokyo as well.

The breakdown of the crackdowns includes 111 cases of driving without a license, and 102 cases of "maintenance deficiencies," such as lacking equipment required for mopeds like turn signals and mirrors. By prefecture, Osaka had 173 cases, Aichi 91, and Tokyo 56.

On the other hand, advisory warnings decreased by 19% to 888 cases compared to the previous year, with the most common being driving without a license at 405 cases, and maintenance deficiencies at 247 cases. By prefecture, Tokyo had 368 cases, Osaka 223, and Aichi 6.

Even when operated solely by pedaling, mopeds are treated as mopeds. A moped license is required to ride on public roads, and equipment such as turn signals and brake lamps are necessary.

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✅ 警察庁がペダル付き電動バイクに関して複数の通達を出していることも問題を複雑にしています。すなわち、一般のものであれば原付扱いですが、最近では必要に応じてスイッチを切ってナンバープレートを覆うことでEVモードと人力モードを切り替えられるタイプのものも登場しています。



✅ 自賠責入ってないんだから、無保険運行で行政罰累積6点、罰金20万円くらい取ればいいのでは。無免許なら欠格期間のおまけ付きで。警告だけで見逃してもらえるから、「やったもの勝ち」で野放しになっているんだと思う。
✅ オンラインオフライン関係なく店舗側に「これは自転車ではありません。原付ですので運転免許が必要となります」と購入者に必ず認知させる通告義務を入れて、違反者が知らなかったと言い逃れした場合は店舗を摘発して通告していたかどうかを確認できるようにすればいいのでは?


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