
リンゴ生産量が過去最低 価格上昇[2024.5.19]

リンゴ生産量が過去最低 価格上昇



✅ リンゴ生産量 過去最低 23年産 凍霜、高温響き18%減










According to the crop statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the 2023 apple production decreased by 18% year-on-year to 603,800 tons, marking a record low. The decline in cultivation area due to aging farmers and a lack of successors, combined with frost damage in early spring and high temperatures in summer, led to a poor harvest. Securing new farmers and countermeasures for high summer temperatures have emerged as urgent issues.

The recently published crop statistics summarize the area of productive apple and mandarin trees, production volumes, and shipment volumes for the 2023 harvest.

Apple production is on the verge of falling below 600,000 tons, the lowest since data became available in 1973. Shipment volume also hit a record low, down 18% year-on-year to 548,400 tons. Both the year-on-year decreases in production and shipment volumes surpassed the 13% decline seen in 2021, a year marked by severe frost damage.

The decrease in the number of fruits due to frost damage during the flowering period in early spring, and the occurrence of sunburned fruits due to high temperatures and low rainfall during the fruit enlargement period in summer, were significant factors. The area of productive apple trees also continued to decline, decreasing by 1% year-on-year to 34,600 hectares.

■ Mandarin production also declining

The area of productive mandarin trees decreased by 2% year-on-year to 35,400 hectares. Production volume remained roughly the same as the previous year at 681,600 tons, while shipment volume increased by 1% to 617,100 tons. However, due to the decline in area and the tendency for smaller fruits caused by summer drought, both production and shipment volumes decreased by 10% compared to two years ago.

With the declining trends in production and shipment volumes, supply shortages relative to demand continue, causing prices for both mandarins and apples to rise. The average price of apples has increased by 30% and outdoor-grown mandarins by 50% over the past decade, based on data aggregated from seven major wholesalers in each region.

Prolonged high prices could lead to a decline in consumer demand. There is also a sense of shortage for fresh fruit and fruit juice materials, making the maintenance and strengthening of the production base an increasingly important issue.

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✅ 「毎日野菜を売ったり、牛の世話をしたり物を作ったりとかと違って、基本的に皆さんは頭脳・知性の高い方たちです」と発言したような高度な知性の方々が統治すると、食料自給率はますます下がるということですね。
✅ リンゴやみかんなどは、これまであるのが当たり前であって、当たり前のように食べていましたが、記事を読んで、それが決して当たり前なことではないんだなと思いました。
✅ 現役りんご農家です。


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