




✅ 上場企業の「早期退職」募集46社 人数は前年同期の約4倍 複数回募集が増加、対象年齢は30歳以上など引き下げ傾向





※ 本調査は、希望・早期退職募集の具体的な内容を確認できた上場企業を対象に集計した。
※ 2024年9月30日公表分までの『会社情報に関する適時開示資料』と東京商工リサーチの独自調査に基づく。


◾️ 特別損失計上額の最高は200億円


◾️損益別 募集人数は黒字企業が約6割



From January to September 2024, there were 46 publicly listed companies in Japan that announced “early or voluntary retirement” recruitment, a 1.5-fold increase from the 30 companies in the same period of the previous year and already surpassing the 41 companies recorded for the full year of 2023. The number of employees targeted for such retirements also surged to 8,204, roughly four times the 2,066 recorded during the same period last year, signaling a rapid rise in early retirement offerings among listed companies.

Amid an increasingly uncertain business environment, including interest rate hikes and volatile exchange rates, profitable companies are accelerating restructuring, while underperforming companies are beginning to withdraw from certain businesses. There is now a potential for the number of affected employees to exceed 10,000 for the first time in three years since 2021.

In terms of listing segments, companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market made up 32 of the 46 cases, accounting for approximately 69.5%. Notably, 27 of the companies (about 58.7%) were profitable, indicating that even successful companies are accelerating workforce reductions as part of structural reforms.

Recently, Ricoh, with a recruitment target of 1,000 employees, announced a large-scale voluntary retirement plan aiming to reduce fixed costs through restructuring. Furthermore, while only one company (Pixela) carried out multiple rounds of recruitment in 2023, this number increased to three companies (Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, Wacoal Holdings, and Sony Group) as of September 30, 2024. Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, in particular, announced its third round of voluntary retirement recruitment this September.

Among the 46 companies recruiting early or voluntary retirements between January and September 2024, the minimum age requirement was as low as 30 years, showing a trend toward targeting younger employees.

Note: This survey only includes publicly listed companies for which the specific details of early or voluntary retirement recruitment were confirmed. It is based on data from ‘Timely Disclosure Documents on Company Information’ and an independent investigation by Tokyo Shoko Research as of September 30, 2024.

As of September 30, 2024, 46 listed companies were confirmed to be recruiting for “early or voluntary retirement.” By industry, 11 companies in the electrical equipment sector, such as Ricoh and Casio, were the most active, increasing from four in the same period last year. This was followed by seven companies in the information and communications sector, including Tohokushinsha Film Corporation with its third recruitment round this year, and four in the textile sector, including Wacoal Holdings, which announced recruitment due to plant closures.

The Largest Special Loss Recorded at 20 Billion Yen

Among companies that disclosed the special losses associated with early or voluntary retirement recruitment, 17 recorded such losses. Konica Minolta had the highest at 20 billion yen, followed by Shiseido at 18 billion yen, Ricoh at 16 billion yen, Casio at 7 billion yen, Toppan Holdings at 6.132 billion yen, Olympus at 2.8 billion yen, and Wacoal Holdings at 2.2 billion yen. Konica Minolta recruited 2,400 employees domestically and internationally, Shiseido 1,500 domestically, and Ricoh 1,000 domestically.

Approximately 60% of Recruitment by Profitable Companies

The latest annual earnings of companies recruiting for “early or voluntary retirement” showed 27 were profitable (58.7%) and 19 were unprofitable (41.3%), with profitable companies accounting for approximately 60%. These companies recruited 6,646 employees, about 81% of the total. Of these 27 profitable companies, 23 were listed on the TSE Prime Market. For the 19 unprofitable companies, the recruitment target was 1,558 employees, with nine companies on the TSE Prime, five on the Growth Market, and five on the Standard Market.

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✅ 希望退職制度は日本のリストラのもっとも主要な手段とされてきた。雇用関係を終了する際に、法的には①企業側一方的に雇用契約を解約する「解雇」、②労働者が一方的に雇用契約を解約する「辞職」、③企業側が申し入れて行う合意解約(会社都合退職)、④労働者側が申し入れて行う合意解約(自己都合退職)の四つがあり、今回のようなリストラは③に該当する。ただし、会社都合退職の場合、労働者側が「合意」しなければリストラは成功しない。そのため、割増退職金の支給が必要になったり、本当はやめてほしくない人材が辞めてしまうといったことが起こる。
✅ 早期退職については一見すると退職金が上乗せされてお得な選択肢のようですが、1年も無職期間が発生すれば割増退職金のほとんどが消えてしまいます(失業給付(雇用保険の求職者給付)も1年後には切れるでしょう)。求人はあるご時世ですから、「次」を早めに決めることが早期退職者は重要です。


✅ 「早期退職」の募集は短期的には利益改善に繋がるかもしれない。しかし長期的に考えるとデメリットが大きいこともある。その理由はブランドに傷がつくからだ。




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