
不足の民生委員 選任要件緩和へ[2024.3.31]

不足の民生委員 選任要件緩和へ



✅ 民生委員の居住要件を緩和、担い手不足解消へ元住民や在勤者も選任…厚労省方針




The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has decided to relax the selection criteria for the volunteers who support regional welfare activities as welfare commissioners, in an effort to address the shortage of these volunteers. Currently, selection is limited to residents of the respective municipalities, but there is now a direction to allow the appointment of incumbent workers or former residents who have moved to nearby areas on an exceptional basis. A conclusion will be reached by experts' deliberation committee within the fiscal year 2024, and necessary legal revisions will be made.Welfare commissioners visit the homes of elderly individuals for safety confirmation and provide support by connecting residents with support organizations. With the increasing number of elderly individuals living alone, the importance of their activities has grown.However, there is a shortage of volunteers. As of March 2023, there were 13,121 vacancies nationwide out of a total quota of 245,547. The quota is determined for each municipality, with a guideline of one welfare commissioner for every 220 to 440 households in the 23 wards of Tokyo, for example.The majority of those who take on the role of welfare commissioners are aged 60 and above, but with more people working into their elderly years, there has been an increase in cases where requests are declined. In areas where welfare commissioners are absent, there is a concern that monitoring activities may not be adequately carried out.Regarding the selection criteria, the Welfare Commissioners Act stipulates that individuals eligible to vote in municipal elections are eligible. This includes Japanese citizens aged 18 or older who have lived continuously in the area for three months or more.Under the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's consideration, it is proposed to allow the appointment of incumbent workers who are familiar with the local situation, such as employees of companies that prioritize social contributions, or employees of shops, as well as former residents who have connections to the community even after moving to neighboring municipalities.The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare plans to determine the scope and conditions of relaxation based on the opinions of organizations such as the National Welfare Commissioners and Child Welfare Commissioners Federation.Welfare commissioners are special local government officials who volunteer without compensation. Individuals recommended by municipalities are appointed by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. The term of office is three years, and reappointment is possible. An activity allowance of 62,000 yen per person per year is provided as activity expenses, including transportation and telephone expenses.

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✅ 民生委員は地域住民の生活状況を把握し、生活課題のある場合は相談や必要な助言や支援、また行政業務に協力する民間の奉仕者である。民生委員は民生委員法にて目的・職務等が規定されているが、児童福祉法に基づき児童委員とも兼務しており、民生委員・児童委員としてその活動を行っており、前史から数えると、百年以上の歴史を持つ地域の社会福祉活動の担い手として機能している。
✅ 民生委員のみなさんは、子育てや介護の悩みを抱える人や、障害者・高齢者、生活困窮者などが必要な支援を受けることができていないような場合、民生委員が身近な相談相手としてそうした方の自宅を訪問し、行政や専門機関をつなぐパイプ役を務めています。
✅ 民生委員は地域住民の持つ生活課題を行政支援につなぐ役割として期待されていますが、実際にはさまざまな課題が表面化しています。


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