
住宅ローン変動金利上昇へ 3メガ[2024.9.3]

住宅ローン変動金利上昇へ 3メガ



✅ 変動型住宅ローン金利上昇へ、連動する短プラを3メガ銀が17年ぶりに引き上げ年1・625%に





Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo Mitsui, and Mizuho, the three major mega banks, are expected to raise interest rates on variable-rate home loans from this fall. On the 2nd, the three banks raised the short-term prime rate (short-term PL), which influences variable rates, to 1.625% annually, marking the first increase in about 17 years, signaling that they are now ready to adjust home loan interest rates. Internet banks have already raised their rates ahead of the mega banks, and the impact on consumers is starting to emerge.

"Buying a home is a significant investment, so rising interest rates are worrisome," admitted a 29-year-old public servant from Yokohama City, who visited the Open House Group's showroom in Shibuya, Tokyo, on August 31. He is considering taking out a loan of over 40 million yen to buy a house in the city following his marriage and said, "I want to pay it off quickly while the rates are still low."

Variable-rate home loan interest rates offered by mega banks and regional banks are linked to the short-term prime rate. The final interest rate is calculated by adding about 1% to the short-term PL, with additional discounts based on the customer's creditworthiness.

The three mega banks raised the short-term prime rate by 0.15%, matching the Bank of Japan's increase in policy interest rates at the end of July. The short-term prime rate has remained flat for years due to the Bank of Japan's long-standing near-zero policy interest rates, but a return to a "world with interest rates" is now underway. Interest rates may rise starting in October for those taking out new variable-rate loans, and those with existing loans could see their rates increase in due course.

Internet banks have already raised their rates ahead of the mega banks and regional banks. On August 29, PayPay Bank announced it would raise its base rate for variable-rate loans by 0.15% to 2.430% annually starting in October. In August, au Jibun Bank also announced it would raise its rate by 0.25% to 2.591% starting in October.

Many internet banks have raised their rates earlier because they do not link their variable rates to the short-term prime rate, instead setting them based on various market interest rates. When the Bank of Japan introduced negative interest rates in February 2016, the mega banks did not lower their short-term prime rates. On the other hand, internet banks lowered their rates to attract customers, which explains why they have been quicker to raise rates in the current environment of rising interest rates.

More than 70% of home loan users choose variable-rate loans, so many are likely to face higher costs due to rising interest rates. In response to the policy rate increase, the three mega banks have set the interest rate on ordinary savings accounts at 0.10%, aligning with each other at the same level. If deposit rates continue to rise, it could benefit households.

As for the impact on businesses, the short-term prime rate was originally the benchmark interest rate for short-term corporate loans. However, many major banks now set their lending rates based on other market rates. A senior executive at a major bank said, "Only a small portion of our loans are linked to the short-term prime rate, so there will likely be little impact."

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✅ 変動ローン金利は、日銀の政策金利やそれをベースにする短期プライムレートと連動しています。日銀が現在0.25%の政策金利をこの先1〜2年で1%程度まで引き上げていく場合、変動ローン金利(現在、最優遇金利で0.4%程度)が1.15%程度まで上昇する可能性があります。現時点の10年固定金利は1.2%程度ですが、場合によっては、この先数年で変動金利が現在の10年固定金利を上回る可能性もあります。過去30年にわたりゼロ%近辺の政策金利が続いたことから、住宅ローンの7割超が変動金利で組まれています。しかし、日銀が利上げ姿勢を強め、金利のある世界に戻った以上、今のうちに一部でも低い金利で長期固定の資金を確保しておくことは一考に価します。
✅ わが国では資産は高齢者に偏っている傾向があります。そして住宅ローンは勤労世帯が借り入れており、高齢者世帯は返済が終わっています。変動型住宅ローン金利上昇は子育て中の世帯などには厳しい影響がありますが、高齢者世帯にはほとんど悪影響を及ぼしません。住宅ローン金利上昇は、苦しい勤労世帯、影響受けない高齢者世帯という、年齢や資産による格差社会を生み出すリスクに注意する必要があります。
✅ 22年前に住宅を建てました。その頃に比べると、住宅の価格もかなり上がってますね。繰り上げ返済等で20年で返済できましたが、その間、子供3人の大学の費用の捻出(一番下がまだ四年生ですが)のため、マイカーを売却したりで余裕はなかったですね。終わったと思っても、壁の塗替えや設備の補修、家電製品の買い替え、どこまでもお金ってかかりますね。。。


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