
全国学力テスト 公表方法見直しへ[2024.11.19]

全国学力テスト 公表方法見直しへ



✅ 全国学力テスト公表方法、見直しへ 全国知事会アンケの反対受け










It was revealed on November 18, based on interviews with related parties, that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) has begun considering a revision to the publication methods of the results of the National Achievement and Learning Survey (commonly known as the National Achievement Test). According to a survey conducted by the National Governors’ Association, many expressed opposition to the current method of disclosing the correct answer rates by prefecture and ordinance-designated city. The method may be revised as early as the 2025 test.

The National Achievement Test is conducted every April for all sixth-grade elementary school students and third-year junior high school students nationwide. The results are published by MEXT in the summer, showing the average correct answer rate by prefecture and ordinance-designated city as whole numbers rounded from the first decimal place.

First implemented in 1956, the test was discontinued after 1966 due to criticism that it fostered competition among municipalities. However, it was revived in 2007 after international surveys highlighted a decline in Japanese students’ academic performance. Initially, results by municipality included the first decimal place, but in 2017, MEXT began rounding to whole numbers to avoid encouraging competition over minor differences.

Following issues raised at the Governors’ Conference in August, the National Governors’ Association conducted a survey in September, targeting all 47 prefectures. The survey asked whether the current publication method should be maintained and whether the test should continue to involve all students annually.

Miyagi Governor Yoshihiro Murai, president of the association, questioned the significance of conducting the test annually, citing the financial and labor burdens on local governments and teachers during an October press conference.

According to sources, only a minority supported maintaining the current publication method, while many governors accepted the current frequency and scope of the test. The association plans to consolidate opinions and formally announce the results at the National Governors’ Conference on November 25.

In response, MEXT intends to propose revising the publication method at a December meeting of experts discussing the test’s framework. A MEXT representative stated that encouraging competition is not their intention. If discussions progress,

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✅ 現状で言うと、平均点が発表されることで現場は意識せざるを得ません
✅ オンラインになれば、負担が減ると思ってました。
✅ 全面オンライン化が成功すれば問題ないけど、最近はタブレットの不具合が増えてきた事や通信環境が不安定で当該学年以外はタブレット使用を控えさせる事もあり、その辺りがしっかりさせて欲しい。



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