
冤罪巡る取り調べ録音録画 提出へ[2024.10.17]

冤罪巡る取り調べ録音録画 提出へ



✅ 「検察なめんな」や「机たたく姿」も 冤罪めぐり特捜部取り調べ録画録音計約18時間分証拠提出へ




■「長時間の威圧的な態度や言葉による取り調べ」明らかに 山岸さんは無罪







【山岸さんの元部下の取り調べを担当 田渕検事】「なんで、そんなことしたの。それ何か理由があります?それはもう自分の手柄が欲しいあまりですか。そうだとしたらあなたは、プレサンスの評判を貶めた大罪人ですよ」


■最高裁は大阪高裁の決定を棄却 新たに17時間分の提出命じる











■山岸さん「二度と起こらないように」 弁護団「意義大きい」









In a case involving the embezzlement of 2.1 billion yen in real estate transactions, a man who was charged was later acquitted, revealing a wrongful conviction.

The Supreme Court has issued a decision stating that the scope of audio and video recordings of interrogations by the Osaka District Public Prosecutor’s Office should be expanded and submitted in a civil trial, beyond what the Osaka High Court had previously approved.

This is the first time the Supreme Court has ruled on the scope of interrogation footage submission in such a case.

Coercive Interrogation Uncovered: Yamagishi Found Not Guilty

Shinobu Yamagishi, former president of “Pressance Corporation,” was arrested and indicted by the Osaka District Public Prosecutor’s Office for conspiring with his subordinates to embezzle 2.1 billion yen in land transactions. The prosecution aimed to prove his guilt based on the testimonies of his former subordinates. However, during the trial, it was revealed that he had been subjected to long hours of interrogations marked by coercive and intimidating behavior. The court ruled that the testimonies implicating Yamagishi were unreliable, leading to his acquittal.

Demanding Submission of Interrogation Recordings in a Damages Lawsuit

Yamagishi filed a lawsuit against the state, claiming that illegal interrogations led to his wrongful conviction. He requested the submission of the audio and video recordings of the interrogations. In September last year, the Osaka District Court ordered the submission of about 18 hours of recordings over four days. However, the state filed an immediate appeal, and in January this year, the Osaka High Court reduced the scope to just 48 minutes. These recordings were played in court during a trial in June.

Prosecutor Tabuchi’s Intimidating Interrogation of a Former Subordinate

During the interrogation of Yamagishi’s former subordinate, prosecutor Tabuchi said, “Why did you do that? Was it because you wanted to take all the credit? If so, you are a major criminal who tarnished the reputation of Pressance.”

Tabuchi also said, “If the company has suffered business losses or its stock price has dropped due to the damage, can you compensate for that? It wouldn’t just cost 1 or 2 billion yen. Are you prepared to shoulder that responsibility?”

Supreme Court Overturns Osaka High Court’s Decision, Orders Submission of Additional 17 Hours of Recordings

On the 17th, the Supreme Court’s Second Petty Bench, presided over by Justice Koichi Kusano, ruled that the video recordings of prosecutor Tabuchi’s interrogation, including his nonverbal behavior, contained significantly more information and accuracy than mere transcripts or testimonies. The court rejected the Osaka High Court’s decision, which limited the submission to 48 minutes, and ordered the submission of an additional 17 hours of recordings.

This will bring the total amount of audio and video recordings submitted to the court to approximately 18 hours.

Newly Ordered Footage Includes Scenes of Prosecutor Yelling and Banging on a Desk

The newly ordered footage includes scenes where prosecutor Tabuchi bangs on a desk and shouts at Yamagishi’s former subordinate.

(Under the supervision of Yamagishi’s defense team, the following reenacted content was revealed)
Prosecutor raises his right hand near his face and then slams it down on the desk once with his palm.

Prosecutor Tabuchi: “That’s a lie! If that’s not a lie, what is?”

Prosecutor Tabuchi: “You will be indicted. No, you will definitely be convicted.”

Prosecutor Tabuchi: “I’m risking my life! Don’t underestimate the prosecution! The weight of the scales I’m risking is different!”

In August of this year, the Osaka High Court ruled that Tabuchi’s interrogation “posed a high risk of inducing false testimony” and should be criminally prosecuted to prevent such conduct from happening again.

Yamagishi’s and His Legal Team’s Reactions: “This Must Never Happen Again”

Yamagishi and his legal team commented on the decision as follows:

Yamagishi: “I am pleased that the Supreme Court has made the right judgment. Anyone could be subjected to such interrogation, and prosecutors have the power to convict innocent people. I hope this never happens again.”

Legal Team: “This is a groundbreaking decision, as it orders the submission of audio and video recordings of interrogations that were not admitted as evidence in the criminal trial. We believe this ruling will have a significant impact on future civil litigation practices. The inclusion of the December 8 interrogation, where Tabuchi banged on a desk and yelled, is particularly meaningful. We strongly hope such interrogations will be eradicated.”

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✅ 検察の取り調べという圧倒的優位な立場において被疑者に威圧感を持って暴言を吐けば、一般社会ではパワハラもしくは脅迫、強要という範疇だろう
✅ 当該検察官は懲戒免職にして、実刑にすべき。

✅ 今回の決定は裁判所の判断を甘く見た検察側の失態です。初めから賠償に応じておれば、こんな深い傷を負わなくてよかったはずです。



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