
千葉で地震多発 県民に不安広がる[2024.3.2]

千葉で地震多発 県民に不安広がる



✅ 「かなり心配」「長時間、横揺れ」千葉県内、相次ぐ地震 東方沖震源20回、南部7回 県民に不安広がる 県は注意呼び掛け








Earthquakes are occurring frequently in Chiba Prefecture. Tremors originating off the eastern coast of the prefecture continue, and in the early hours of the 2nd, a magnitude 5.0 earthquake with its epicenter in the southern part of the prefecture occurred, causing shaking with an intensity of 4 in areas such as Chiba City, Wakaba, and Nagaminami Town. Concerns have been raised among residents due to the successive earthquakes, with one person expressing, "Since the Noto Peninsula earthquake, I am quite worried," prompting the prefecture to issue a warning.

Around 1:49 a.m. on the 2nd, a 76-year-old man in Nagaminami Town was asleep on the second floor of his home when the earthquake struck. He described hearing the sound of sliding doors rattling, followed by "a fairly long period of shaking." Afterward, small earthquakes continued to occur frequently, preventing him from getting any rest.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, there have been 20 earthquakes observed in the prefecture originating off the eastern coast from February 26th to 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd. Earthquakes with an intensity of 4 were also recorded on February 29th and March 1st. On the 1st, earthquakes with an intensity of 4 were recorded in cities such as Togane, Ichihara, Sanmu, and Nagaminami Town. Meanwhile, earthquakes originating in the southern part of the prefecture were observed seven times from the 1st to 11:00 a.m. on the 2nd.

The magnitude of the "Chiba Prefecture Eastern Offshore Earthquake" on December 17, 1987, was 6.7, with maximum intensity of 5 observed in Katsuura City, Chiba City, and Choshi City. The earthquake resulted in two fatalities and over 100 people injured, as well as extensive damage to buildings. The man also suffered damage from falling roof tiles.

In response to the frequent earthquakes, the man has secured the doors of his cupboard with string to prevent dishes from falling and has organized his medication for easy evacuation. He expressed anxiety, saying, "Earthquakes have been happening frequently in Nagaminami Town since the end of February. I hope there won't be a big earthquake like 37 years ago."

In light of the frequent earthquakes originating off the eastern coast of the prefecture, the prefecture is urging residents to be cautious through social media. An official from the Prefectural Disaster Prevention Division stated, "We don't know when a big earthquake will occur, so we want people to take measures to ensure their safety."

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✅ 大きい地震が来そうな予感がして、ガソリン満タン、灯油を購入、カップ麺なども買いました。東日本大震災の時、本当に困ったのがガソリンでした。お水などは備蓄しています。

✅ 千葉県の東側が地元です。昔からこのあたりは小さな地震がすごく多いです。揺れる前に地鳴りがよく聞こえていました。いつか大きいのが来るんじゃ無いかと心配です。東日本大震災の時も千葉県の旭市飯岡に津波が来ました。そしてこの辺りの地盤の緩いところは液状化が激しくてしばらくは道が悪かったです。身内の家も1階は津波がきてしばらく避難所生活していました。せっかくいつもの生活に戻ってきたところなのでもう大きい地震が無いことを祈ります。
✅ 阪神淡路大震災のとき、確か半年くらい前から猪名川町と言うところで頻繁に小さな地震があったと思います。


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