
大卒内定率95.9% 売り手市場鮮明[2024.10.15]

大卒内定率95.9% 売り手市場鮮明



✅ 25年卒の大学生、就職内定率95.9% 「売り手市場」鮮明








Recruit has announced the employment rate of university students who are set to graduate in 2025 (as of October 1st). The rate was 95.9%, 3.9 points higher than the same period last year, and the highest since the survey began in 2012 (for graduates in 2013). Over 60% of students received offers from two or more companies, highlighting the strong seller’s market, favoring students.

The survey was conducted from October 1st to 4th, targeting university students registered on the job-hunting support site “Rikunabi,” with responses from 790 students.

Looking at the trend in job offer rates, including unofficial offers, as of October 1st, the rate for graduates in 2013 was 76.2%. Although direct comparisons are difficult due to changes in the start of recruitment activities to June 1st from the 2017 graduates, the rate has remained above 90% since then, except for graduates in 2021, who were significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Regarding the number of companies from which students received job offers, the most common was “one company” at 34.0%, followed by “two companies” at 28.5%. The percentage of students with offers from multiple companies increased by 3.4 points from the same period last year to 66.0%. Those with offers from “five companies” (5.3%) and “six or more companies” (6.0%) accounted for over 10%.

As for the industries of companies where students have decided to work, the most common, continuing from last year, was the “information and communication industry” at 25.3%, followed by “machinery manufacturing” (14.5%) and “manufacturing (excluding machinery)” (13.4%).

Many companies held their official job offer ceremonies on October 1st. According to Recruit, while some students have firmly decided to work at their chosen company, others are wavering, wondering if they made the right choice. Recruit urges companies to actively create opportunities for communication and provide information that helps students imagine their future work after joining.

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✅ 25卒において、ほとんどの大学4年、大学院M1の就活は終わっていますが、まだ活動中の学生もいます。私の20年近い大学教員生活で、最遅確定は3月、つまり入社1力月前という例もあります。活動中の学生はまだまだチャンスがあることを忘れないで下さい。


✅ 氷河期世代から見るとうらやましい限りの売り手市場です。
✅ 就活では資格どうこうより、コミュニケーション能力の方が大切と言われるけど、結局のところ面接を担当する人事の人たちから見て「この人と一緒に仕事がしたい」と思わせることだよね。何だかんだで、これに尽きる。


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