
大手2銀行 最終利益が過去最高[2024.5.15]

大手2銀行 最終利益が過去最高



✅ 大手銀行3グループの決算出揃う 円安などで2社の最終利益が過去最高に


三菱UFJフィナンシャルグループ 亀澤宏規社長






三井住友フィナンシャルグループ 中島達社長

みずほフィナンシャルグループ 木原正裕社長



The financial results for the fiscal year ending in March for Japan's three major banking groups have been released. Against the backdrop of a historically weak yen, two of these groups reported record high net profits, achieving significant increases.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group President Hiroki Kamezawa
"It was an extremely strong performance. The impact of exchange rates and high stock prices have positively contributed, further boosting profits."

According to the financial results announced by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group for the year ending in March, net profit increased by 33.5% from the previous year to 1.4907 trillion yen.

Additionally, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group's net profit increased by 19.5% to 962.9 billion yen, also setting a record high.

Furthermore, Mizuho Financial Group's net profit rose by 22.2% to 678.9 billion yen, reaching the second-highest level in its history.

Besides the historically weak yen and high stock prices, the widening interest margin abroad due to rising interest rates in the U.S., where the lending rates outpaced deposit rates, also boosted the earnings of each group.

The banks also commented on the impact of the Bank of Japan lifting the negative interest rates in March.

Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group President Junichi Nakajima
"The lifting of the negative interest rates will certainly have a positive effect on bank earnings."

Mizuho Financial Group President Masahiro Kihara
"The assumption is likely to be that a sustained 2% inflation rate is expected. Naturally, inflation has its impact, which will affect costs."

Last week, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda stated that if the inflation outlook is boosted due to the weak yen and other factors, "it would be appropriate to adjust interest rates earlier." If the BOJ proceeds with additional rate hikes leading to a significant increase in interest rates, it could further enhance the profitability of the banking groups.

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✅ あくまで国際業務を収益の柱にしているメガバンク3行の話。


✅ ドイツは何故経済成長したのに生活水準は日本より大幅に下がって苦しいのか。ドイツの物価高は凄まじい。特に電気代が破滅的水準です。是で何故、経済成長で日本を抜いたのか、これは円安による数字のマジックです。コロナ対策が終った中国への輸出が大幅に増えた事とフランスからの電力供給が大幅に増えた事で、ドイツの貿易は見掛け上大幅成長したのです。
✅ 銀行は企業を支えるものと日本では考えられてきたが、本来なら儲けがあってこそハブとして機能するのであり、決してボランティアという位置付けではないはずだ。赤字ではいずれ内部から批判や不満が出て会社そのものの存続が危ぶまれる。就職希望者も減少する。その意味で黒字が続くのは健全であり、社会の基盤としての役割を続けるために必要不可欠と考えられる。

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