
学歴で死亡率に差 喫煙など影響か[2024.3.27]

学歴で死亡率に差 喫煙など影響か



✅ 学歴別死亡率、中卒は大卒以上の1.4倍 「喫煙など影響」 がんセンター初推計







The National Cancer Center announced for the first time estimates of mortality rates by educational attainment based on the national census and population statistics as of the 28th. The "age-adjusted mortality rate" is higher for groups with shorter periods of schooling, with the mortality rate for high school graduates being about 1.4 times higher than that of university graduates. The center speculates that differences are due to risk factors such as smoking and excessive salt intake varying by educational background rather than education directly impacting mortality rates.Using data from the 2010 national census and population statistics from October 2010 to September 2015, the research group compared educational attainment with mortality rates for approximately 8 million population records and about 330,000 death certificates.As a result, the mortality rate for high school graduates was about 1.2 times higher than that for "university graduates or higher," with men at about 1.16 times and women at about 1.23 times. Similarly, the mortality rate for those with some high school education was about 1.4 times higher, with men at 1.36 times and women at 1.46 times.Significant differences in mortality rates by educational attainment were observed for causes such as cerebrovascular diseases, lung cancer, ischemic heart diseases, and stomach cancer. Conversely, breast cancer showed a higher tendency among university graduates. Factors such as fewer pregnancies and childbirth experiences are considered risk factors, suggesting that women with longer periods of schooling may have higher mortality rates.

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✅ 学歴に分けるというよりは、生活水準や健康意識とそこに気を使う余裕の有無なんだろうな。
✅ 喫煙が約1.3倍の死亡率差に大きく寄与しているだろうというのは同意です。心疾患だと喫煙群で2倍程度の罹患リスクになる研究も多いので、全死亡で見れば1.4-1.5倍、それに学歴ごとの喫煙率差を推測すると1.2-1.3倍くらいになりそうと思います。

✅ こういうデータの活用はいいなと思います。AIが時代を切り開く世界になってきたんだから、何でもデータだして数字で良し悪しを語れる時代になって欲しいです。学歴別だけでなく、学校別でもデータを出して偏差値との関係性を解析したり。


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