
島根原発2号機 12月7日に再稼働[2024.11.11]

島根原発2号機 12月7日に再稼働



✅ 島根原発2号機、12月7日再稼働 12年11カ月ぶり 中国電発表







Chugoku Electric Power announced on November 11 that it aims to restart the No. 2 reactor at the Shimane Nuclear Power Plant (output: 820,000 kilowatts) in Kashima Town, Matsue City, on December 7. This will mark the plant’s first restart in nearly 12 years. Power generation is expected to begin in late December, with commercial operation resuming in early January 2025.

Safety measures for the No. 2 reactor were completed on October 28. The process of “fuel loading” — moving 148 new fuel assemblies and 412 continuing-use assemblies, totaling 560 assemblies, from the fuel pool to the reactor — was completed on November 3. Currently, final preparations are underway, including the installation of reactor components to separate water and steam.

Masakatsu Yoshikawa, Director of Public Relations for Chugoku Electric’s Shimane Nuclear Headquarters, commented, “We are steadily progressing with inspections and tests on reactor-startup equipment as we prepare for the restart.”

The No. 2 reactor, a boiling water reactor similar to the one at Tokyo Electric Power’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, began commercial operation in February 1989. It has been offline since January 2012, following a routine inspection. In December 2013, Chugoku Electric applied for a safety review by the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA), which was approved in September 2021. Local consent procedures were completed in June 2022.

The Shimane Nuclear Power Plant is unique in being the only nuclear facility located within a prefectural capital. Around 450,000 people live within the 30-kilometer radius that spans six cities in Shimane and Tottori prefectures, an area that requires evacuation planning.

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✅ 島根原子力発電所も、先日再稼働を進めている女川原子力発電所と同様に、沸騰水型(BWR)とよばれる、福島第一原子力発電所と同型のプラントです。万一の事故時にも、フィルタベントと呼ばれる放射性物質を漉しとる装置がついていて環境を汚しません。冬のエネルギー消費量が伸びる時期に再稼働が間に合って良かったです。
✅ 島根原子力発電所の稼働そのものが問題というよりも、むしろ発電所が県庁に極めて近い位置にあることこそが懸念されるべき問題である。仮に福島第一原子力発電所事故のような事態が発生すれば、立ち入り制限区域が拡大し、多くの県民が生活の場を失う恐れがある。現在のリスクを鑑みれば、県民の安全と生活の安定を確保するためにも、早期に県庁を他の場所へ移転させる必要があると言えるだろう。
✅ 原発を稼働させれば電気代は下がる。




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