
廃止進んでいた株主優待 再び注目[2024.3.3]

廃止進んでいた株主優待 再び注目



✅ 自社商品をお返し 株主優待が増加 個別株への「呼び水」に









Amidst the Tokyo Stock Exchange's Nikkei Stock Average reaching an all-time high and increasing interest in investments, attention is once again turning to the "shareholder benefits" system. This system involves companies giving their shareholders gifts or offering discounted services, but in recent years, there has been a trend towards prioritizing shareholder returns through measures such as increased dividends, leading to the discontinuation of such programs. However, there is now a growing number of companies, especially in retail and hotel sectors, starting new benefit programs to attract investors.

According to Nomura Investor Relations (IR), 176 companies established, expanded, or resumed their benefit programs in 2023, an increase of 27 companies from the previous year (149 companies).

One reason behind the revival of benefit programs is the expected increase in individual investors. In January, the tax-exempt system for small investments in stocks, known as the NISA (Nippon Individual Savings Account) system, was expanded, leading to an increase in individuals starting investments through the new system. Companies want to generate interest in individual stocks, hence the idea of using benefits as a "lure."

Muji, a retailer of household goods, started a program in 2023 where shareholders with over 100 shares receive a card offering a 5% discount on purchases at Muji stores twice a year. Muji stated that they wanted to increase their fan base of shareholders, which is why they set the benefit to be a discount on their own products.

The prestigious Imperial Hotel also started a program in 2023 where shareholders with over 100 shares receive discounted hotel vouchers based on the number of shares and the holding period. They stated, "We want to promote the hotel not only as a place to visit but also as an 'investment target,' so we decided to strengthen our approach to individual investors first."

While there has been a trend of companies discontinuing benefit programs due to voices from overseas investors finding it difficult to receive benefits and claiming it goes against the principle of shareholder equality, there is also a movement among companies, especially in retail, food and beverage, and service industries, to resume or establish benefit programs as part of their performance recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, Nomura IR analyzes the increasing trend of shareholder benefits, stating, "In recent years, there has been a trend of companies selling off their policy-held shares, and they are trying to attract individual investors as a recipient. If there is an increase in long-term shareholders seeking benefits, it can be expected to support stock prices."

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✅ 初心者には優待から入るのがわかりやすいのではないかな。

✅ クオカードとか株主優待倶楽部などその会社に関係ない優待なら配当にしてもらったほうが良いけど、会社に関係あるイオンの3%キャッシュバックとかその会社の買い物券やら自社製品なら販売促進として、優待導入は賛成です。大株主や配当重視派はすべて配当の原資だから反対と言うけれど、少数株主、その企業のファン、お客様になりうる投資家への配慮を願いたいものです。
✅ かつてアニメ好きが高じて、アニメ関連株の株主優待目当てで、多額の資金を焦がした著名人がいたが、その方曰く「一切後悔していない」とのこと。





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