




✅ 慶應大卒“モーレツ社員”の46歳エリートサラリーマン、数年前にメンタルを病んで休職…療養中に気づいた「定年後の自分」の危うさ

老後年金だけでは暮らせない時代となったいま、「定年後のキャリア」をどのように考えるべきか……金澤美冬氏の著書『おじさんの定年前の準備、定年後のスタート 今こそプロティアン・ライフキャリア実践!』(総合法令出版)より、現役世代の“生の声”をみていきましょう。

「死ぬまで現役」でなければ、マグロと同じですぐ死んでしまうと思います―― 石井義之さん(46歳/定年まであと11年)


















































In an era where it’s no longer possible to live solely on a pension after retirement, how should we think about "post-retirement careers"? Let's explore the "real voices" of the current generation from Mifuyu Kanazawa's book, *Preparing for Retirement and Starting After Retirement for Middle-aged Men: Now is the Time to Practice Protean Life Careers!* (Sogo Horei Publishing).


"If you don't stay active until you die, you'll end up like a tuna fish and die quickly." — Yoshiyuki Ishii (46 years old, 11 years until retirement)



- Born in Chiba Prefecture in 1974.
- After graduating from Keio University, he joined a major telecommunications company. He has experience in corporate sales, HR, PR, and business planning, and is currently seconded to a group company that conducts automatic meter reading and monitoring of life infrastructure.
- Currently holding the position of department head, he has no desire to extend his employment upon reaching retirement age. Rather, he aims to stay active and work on tasks required by his environment until the end.
- He maintains a harmonious family with his wife and elementary school-aged child.

**Qualifications and Endeavors:**

- Holds IoT qualifications and is currently studying to obtain a career consultant qualification. Once obtained, he hopes to apply what he learned through the qualification to jobs closely related to it.


**Interview Excerpts:**

- **Q: You are currently seconded to a group company in a managerial position.**

Ishii: Originally, I was with the main company, but now I am seconded to a group company as a department head. I think the retirement age for my position is around 57, so I have about 10-11 years left. In my current company, I am considered young.

Currently, I am a department head, but many in my age group are still in lower positions, and those in managerial roles are mostly from an older generation.

- **Q: So, there doesn’t seem to be anyone with whom you can discuss "post-retirement" and "second careers" on the same level?**

Ishii: Not at all. Discussions with my peers mostly revolve around complaints about our current jobs (laughs). Jokes aside, when I talk to people from the slightly older generation, it seems that many of them are hoping for extended employment, perhaps because we are a group company. As a result, there are even fewer opportunities to discuss "post-retirement" and "second careers."

- **Q: In a way, it could be considered an old-fashioned mindset?**

Ishii: Compared to when I first joined, things have changed quite a bit, I think.

However, initially, I didn't think about "post-retirement" or "second careers," nor did I consider how to maximize my existence in the world. I worked intensely as a corporate warrior, focusing solely on the tasks assigned to me.

Without considering what I truly wanted to do, I worked too hard and ended up experiencing a mental health issue after I turned 40.

Diagnosed with a mental illness, I had to take a long leave from work. I felt I had caused significant inconvenience to my colleagues.

- **Q: Was the rest period beneficial for you in any way?**

Ishii: Yes, the rest period allowed me to reflect calmly on "the company I belong to" and "things outside the company."

This led me to realize that "spending all my time within the company organization is a waste" and that "I should be able to do more." I started trying new things that I hadn’t done before, both before and after returning to work.

- **Q: What kind of new things did you start?**

Ishii: Even during my rest period, but especially as I began to recover, I attended various seminars almost daily.

Mainly IT-related ones. Although my company falls into the IT category, while working, I couldn't focus on future technologies due to the demands of my current tasks. My colleagues were likely in the same situation.

Therefore, I attended IT seminars to bring back the latest knowledge and practices to the company and to apply them to my work and myself.

For instance, though IoT is now commonplace, back then, even if I understood the term, I wasn’t sure how the technology was used or how it benefited daily life.

By learning and integrating IoT into our internal processes, I thought everyone, including myself, could better understand and leverage the latest technologies.

- **Q: In a society often hesitant about new initiatives, were you able to incorporate IoT in the company?**

Ishii: Indeed, there is a pervasive hesitation to embrace new things due to the potential risk of failure, which is a broader issue in Japanese society, not just companies.

I often hear the term "trial," meaning to try new ideas on a small scale first. I leveraged this by incorporating IoT into inventory and fixed asset management, which was quickly accepted due to the evident reduction in labor.

I’m grateful to my then-superior for accepting this. It was a pioneering effort in what is now known as DX (digital transformation), and it gave me a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

- **Q: How did you come up with such innovative initiatives?**

Ishii: Participating in seminars with an open mind played a significant role. By doing so, I could absorb the latest technological ideas from scratch, which naturally led to creative solutions.

This experience also made me want to help others develop their careers.

- **Q: You are currently studying for a career consultant qualification and participating in several communities. Is it challenging to balance these with your job?**

Ishii: I study almost daily for the career consultant qualification and attend night classes twice a week. I also participate in online community meetings once or twice a week.

So far, it hasn’t been difficult. After obtaining the qualification, I’m considering further specializing by attending graduate school. Although it's uncertain, it's a possibility (laughs).

Although I don’t like to use "if only," had I realized this 10 years earlier, I might have pursued career advancement through job changes and built a broader network outside the company.

Nonetheless, the experiences and opportunities I’ve had in my current company are invaluable. I focus only on the present and the future without dwelling on the past.

Looking ahead, I’m uncertain about extending my employment after retirement. I can’t imagine "staying home all the time" (laughs). Honestly, I feel like I would "die quickly like a tuna fish" if I don't keep active until I die (laughs).

During my leave, I realized that I cannot endure "idleness" without communication or tension. Being idle makes me feel pathetic rather than anxious. It dawned on me during my rest that I might end up this way post-retirement. Until then, I hadn’t considered "post-retirement life," but that break made me rethink and act, leading to my current and future plans.

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✅ 中小企業だったが、ガムシャラに働き50歳で役員に登用され 成果も悪くなかったが56歳の時その時の社長の覚えが悪かったようで 英語が出来ないにも関わらず 赤字の海外子会社に左遷。左遷の理由が分からず 会社を辞めようと考えた。当時二人の子供は大学を卒業間近で 家内からは赴任が嫌なら会社辞めても良いよ…と言われた。精神的にボロボロだったが、これも経験(学習)と半ば開き直りでこの辞令を受け 現地に赴任。それでも懸命に働いた結果 赴任2年でその会社は黒字化を達成し 僅か2年で日本に帰任。今もサラリーマンを続けている。65歳の定年まであと僅かだが、あの海外行きを決めた時最後まで耐える代わりに定年後は絶対働かないと覚悟を決めての赴任だった。老後が危ういだろが無かろうが私は65歳できっぱり仕事を辞める。会社ごときの為に病にはならない…。
✅ 自分の仕事が収入に直結する自営業は悪くない。私は夏休み一ヶ月を教授に与えられていた国立大学の国家公務員職を辞職し自営業者となったので上司は居なく成り自分の好きなように生きて来た為か最近になってやっと気付いたが宮仕えの人とは全く価値観が全く違う事が分かって来た。毎日自分の好きなだけの仕事をし昼夜は時間を取って食事をしと言う外食だけの生活を何十年も続け50歳代には3年間バカンスを取ったが自分に取っては自然の成り行きだった。国家公務員のままでいたら年金と退職金はバッチリだったのにバカだなと家族には言われるが自由だからいいんじゃない?と思っている
✅ 海外出張年12回くらい行ってましたけど、給料が成果に見合ってないと思い、ぼちぼち働くようにシフトした。




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