




✅ 改正政治資金規正法が可決・成立 議員責任強化やパーティー厳格化 立憲は「抜け穴」批判 維新も一転反対









In response to the political funding party incident involving the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) factions, the revised Political Funds Control Act was passed and enacted by a majority vote from the ruling parties in the House of Councillors on the 19th. The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, the Japanese Communist Party, and the Democratic Party for the People opposed the bill, arguing that it lacked sufficient measures to enhance transparency in political activity funds and to strengthen the supervisory responsibilities of Members of Parliament. The Japan Innovation Party, which had supported the bill in the House of Representatives, reversed its stance and opposed it, criticizing the failure to realize the transparency of the monthly 1 million yen allowance previously known as communication and transportation expenses.

The bill, submitted by the LDP, includes provisions to prevent the recurrence of such incidents by strengthening the responsibilities of Members of Parliament. It obliges MPs to verify the financial reports of their own political organizations and includes a clause stipulating that failure to verify, resulting in omissions or false entries, will lead to penalties and the suspension of civil rights. However, it did not go as far as introducing the joint responsibility system demanded by the opposition parties.

To enhance the transparency of political funds, the bill mandates the digital submission of financial reports and expands auditing measures. Regarding political funding parties, the threshold for disclosing ticket purchasers has been lowered from the current "over 200,000 yen" to "over 50,000 yen." The LDP initially proposed "over 100,000 yen," but compromised with the Komeito and the Japan Innovation Party.

For policy activity funds disbursed from political parties to MPs, which previously did not require disclosure of their usage, the bill sets an upper limit and mandates disclosure with receipts and other documentation after ten years, subject to third-party verification. Some opposition parties had called for the abolition of these funds, but they will continue to exist under the condition of usage disclosure, with further details to be determined.

The bill also includes the establishment of a third-party body to audit policy activity funds and other expenditures, although the specifics will be determined later. It did not include the ban on corporate and organizational donations advocated by the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Japan Innovation Party. However, the reform content is subject to review in three years.

During the debate preceding the vote, Michioka, head of the Constitutional Democratic Party's House of Councillors, criticized the bill for its inadequacies, saying, "To conclude the slush fund incident with such a loophole-filled revision of the Political Funds Control Act is to underestimate the anger of the public." Otokita, policy chief of the Japan Innovation Party, condemned Prime Minister Kishida, stating, "Using the bill to win support from a part of the opposition and then breaking promises to maintain parliamentary privileges is not just a breach of agreement between parties but a significant betrayal of the public." On the other hand, LDP member Masahisa Sato emphasized the significance of the LDP's bill, stating, "We believe our bill will contribute to further transparency and appropriateness of political funds while ensuring the freedom of political activities."

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✅ この政治資金規正法の改正は、まやかしだという意見には十分な理由があると言える。というのも国民が望んでいるものとは、似て非なるものと言ってよい。
✅ 国民の不透明な政治資金に対する怒りは尽きることがない。今回の法律には抜け穴があるが、それらを国民が許すことはないと考えるべきである。法の施行は2026年1月1日であり、まだ今後の細部の詰めの時間は残されている。国民の声が届くよう、与野党はしっかりと協議してほしい。第三者機関の制度設計は入念にすべきである。また旧文通費などについては、臨時国会など今後更なる改正の補充もできるとすれば、まだまだこの問題は終わらない。強い監視の仕組みが望まれる。
✅ 派閥のパーティ資金を所属議員にキックバックすることは違法ではない。それを政治資金収支報告書に記載しなかったから犯罪になった。なぜ記載しなかったのかを究明しないと問題の解決につながらない。この仕組みを作った森喜朗元総理を国会に喚問して追及しなければならないのに、野党も含め誰もそのことに全力を挙げず、規制の強化にばかり力点が置かれた。


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