
政府クラウド 国の移行は2割弱か[2024.6.5]

政府クラウド 国の移行は2割弱か



✅ デジ庁主導「ガバメントクラウド」移行進まず 経費削減は限定的?






The implementation of the "Government Cloud," aimed at streamlining information management, is lagging. The initiative seeks to migrate individual management systems for taxes, pensions, and other services operated by ministries and local governments to a common cloud-based network service to reduce costs. The government aims to reduce operating expenses by 30% compared to FY2020 by FY2025, but only about 20% of the national systems will transition by then. Local governments using the same cloud are also experiencing delays, raising concerns that costs will increase without improving public convenience.

The Government Cloud is being developed by the Digital Agency. It aims to facilitate smoother information sharing between administrative agencies and reduce the burden on local municipalities in maintaining their own systems amid decreasing staff numbers.

According to the Digital Agency, there are currently about 1,100 systems in use by the government. Of these, 68 transitioned to the Government Cloud by the end of FY2023, achieving about 30% cost savings in operational expenses. However, only around 50 and 80 systems are expected to transition in FY2024 and FY2025, respectively.

The systems scheduled to migrate to the cloud by FY2025 are mainly small-scale systems, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' researcher database. Larger systems, such as those for taxes and pensions, which incur higher costs, will not make the transition in time, limiting the overall cost-saving effects for the government.

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✅ 「クラウド化」が目的になっているように見える。

目的が「クラウド化」になってると利便性や経費削減がおざなりになって不便で経費増大になる。 ✅ 本来はクラウド化ではなく、業務の共通化をしてシステム数を減らしていくべきだが、個々の自治体の条例やルールに縛られて早々にやれないのが実情かと。だからインフラ周りの共通化がガバクラ最初のステージ。
✅ この系の移行って既存業務の手順、データの精査、業務標準化の為に断捨離して業務を再構築こそ難しいところであり、ポイントなのです。




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