
斎藤元彦氏が当確 SNSを積極活用[2024.11.17]

斎藤元彦氏が当確 SNSを積極活用



✅ 兵庫県知事選、斎藤氏が再選確実 出直し選で返り咲き SNS活用し稲村氏に競り勝つ









The Hyogo gubernatorial election was held on the 17th, and former governor Motohiko Saito (47) secured re-election. In a record-setting race with seven candidates, Saito garnered over 1 million votes, narrowly defeating former Amagasaki mayor Kazumi Inamura (52). Saito will once again steer the prefectural administration, which had been embroiled in turmoil due to a whistleblower document scandal. Voter turnout was 55.65%, a 14.55-point increase from the previous election in 2021. Saito will officially assume office as governor on the 19th.

Saito first won the governor’s seat three years ago. However, in March, allegations of workplace harassment against him came to light, leading to controversy over his handling of a whistleblower document. In September, the prefectural assembly unanimously passed a no-confidence motion against him, resulting in his automatic dismissal and an unusual re-election bid. Despite his victory, distrust toward Saito from the assembly and prefectural employees remains strong, casting doubt on whether his re-election will resolve the prefectural government’s issues.

The election focused on evaluating Saito’s three-year administration, his handling of the whistleblower scandal, and his suitability as governor.

Unlike his previous campaign, where he was endorsed by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party), Saito ran this time without party support. Instead, he relied heavily on social media, utilizing platforms like X (formerly Twitter), where his follower count surged over fivefold to exceed 180,000 in just two months. His campaign was bolstered by support from Takashi Tachibana (57), leader of the NHK Party, who ran as a candidate to aid Saito’s re-election. While criticizing the prefectural assembly and media, Saito pledged to continue youth support initiatives from his first term, gradually expanding his support base and overcoming an initial disadvantage.

In contrast, Inamura declined endorsements or backing from political parties, positioning herself as a “citizen representative.” She emphasized her achievements as Amagasaki’s mayor and gained support from some LDP and opposition party lawmakers, including those from the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party for the People, as well as endorsements from 22 city mayors in Hyogo Prefecture. Campaigning on “dialogue and trust,” she vowed to end the turmoil in the prefectural government but was ultimately unable to fend off Saito’s surging popularity on social media.

Former Upper House member Takayuki Shimizu (50), who left Nippon Ishin no Kai after 12 years to run as an independent, secured support from the party’s Hyogo chapter and the LDP Kobe City Council caucus. However, Ishin votes, previously his core base, were split, and he failed to capture the conservative vote he targeted.

Meanwhile, hospital director Yoshikiyo Osawa (61), endorsed by the Japanese Communist Party, aimed to rally anti-government voters with a confrontational stance toward the LDP but fell short. Record company executive Shigehisa Fukumoto (58), Tachibana, and news analysis company CEO Hirotsugu Kijima (49) all failed to gain significant traction.

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✅ 県民の信任は分厚いとわかった。原点に返れば斎藤氏は抵抗にあいながらも県政改革をしていた。議会は反発した。しかし県民は知事の再選と改革継続を望んだ。実にシンプルだ。汚職でも刑事事件でもない、また判断が難しい怪文書の問題でそもそも知事が進退まで問われ、しかも不信任を突きつけられるのは異常である。全会一致で不信任をだした議会はどうするのか?かつて都議会は自ら解散した例がある。5分の4が賛成すれば自ら解散する手段もあるがいかがか。
✅ これまで「直近の民意」は県議会にあった。
✅ 兵庫県議会が行った不信任の議決によって前知事は知事を失職したにもかかわらず、今回の選挙では再び住民が前知事を知事に選択するという結果になり、住民と議会の間に民意の「ねじれ」が生じた。


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