




✅ 新型コロナワクチン「定期接種」10月1日を目途に開始 “自分を守るために”接種の検討を


[この記事は、Medical DOC医療アドバイザーにより医療情報の信憑性について確認後に公開しております]















The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has decided to begin regular COVID-19 vaccinations around October 1st. We spoke with Dr. Obata about this decision.

[This article has been verified for medical accuracy by Medical DOC medical advisors.]

**What is the policy decided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare?**

**Editorial Team:**
Can you explain the vaccination policy decided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare?

**Dr. Obata:**
Until March 2024, COVID-19 vaccines were available for free. However, starting in the fall, vaccinations will become regular, with a partial cost borne by individuals, similar to the flu vaccine. The timing of this regular vaccination has been discussed extensively, and the Ministry has decided to start around October 1, 2024. Based on this policy, each municipality will set its start date, and the vaccination period will run until the end of March 2025. The cost burden for individuals will vary by municipality, but the national government will subsidize up to ¥7,000 per vaccination, with municipalities covering up to ¥8,300.

This regular vaccination is targeted at seniors aged 65 and older and individuals aged 60-64 at high risk of severe illness. For others, vaccination will be optional and generally at their own expense. The finalized policy will be determined after a meeting of experts.

**What is the current state of medical expenses for COVID-19?**

**Editorial Team:**
The news reports that the regular COVID-19 vaccinations will begin around October 1, 2024. What is the current response regarding treatment systems for those infected with COVID-19?

**Dr. Obata:**
Regarding prevention, COVID-19 vaccines were fully funded by public funds and available for free until March 2024. However, from April 2024, vaccinations became regular with a partial cost borne by individuals, similar to the flu vaccine.

As for medical expenses for COVID-19, the government covered the full cost of treatment drugs from 2021. However, following the reclassification of COVID-19 to the same category as seasonal influenza (Category 5) under the Infectious Diseases Control Law in May 2023, treatment drugs have required an out-of-pocket payment of ¥3,000 to ¥9,000 depending on income since October 2023. From April 2024, full public funding was eliminated.

Treatment drugs for COVID-19 now require patients to pay 10-30% of the cost. For example, "Lagevrio," aimed at high-risk individuals, costs approximately ¥28,000 for those with a 30% copay. The oral medication "Zokova," for mild to moderate cases, costs about ¥16,000 for those with a 30% copay. The intravenous medication "Veklury" for hospitalized patients costs about ¥56,000 with a 30% copay.

**Reaction to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's decision?**

**Editorial Team:**
What is your reaction to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's decision?

**Dr. Obata:**
While it is understandable to phase out public funding and increase individual copays from April 2024, given the less severe situation compared to the early days of the pandemic, it is crucial to consider those at high risk of severe illness and low-income individuals. With drugs like Lagevrio and Zokova, a 30% copay can impose significant financial burdens on patients. Ensuring that high-risk individuals can access necessary treatments without financial strain is essential. Therefore, continued public funding and measures to reduce out-of-pocket costs for high-risk and low-income patients are needed. It is also important to monitor the infection trend and consider flexible responses, including restoring public funding and adjusting copay ratios as needed.

Overall, while I understand the policy shift, balancing financial burdens on patients and effective infection control is crucial. I hope the Ministry will adequately consider this in their response.

**Editorial Summary**

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has decided to start regular COVID-19 vaccinations around October 1. The target group for regular vaccinations includes seniors aged 65 and older and individuals aged 60-64 at high risk of severe illness. For others, vaccinations will generally be at their own expense, so caution is needed.

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✅ 米国のクリーブランドクリニックから報告されたワクチン接種回数と感染率を検討した研究によると、未接種者の感染率が最も低く、2回、3回、4回と接種回数が増すと感染率は増加している。
✅ ワクチン何度も打ってるのに、感染者は増えるね。なんでだろうね。


✅ 徳島県は2日、医師としての研修と偽って職場を離れ、無断で他の民間病院でアルバイトをしていたなどとして、那賀町に派遣されて町立病院に勤務していた医療政策課の医師小幡史明主任(35)を同日付で懲戒免職にしたと発表した。アルバイトは3年5カ月間で324日に上り、約3800万円の報酬を得ていた。

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