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旅客機事故 空港に焦げた臭い漂い[2024.12.30]

旅客機事故 空港に焦げた臭い漂い



✅ 旅客機炎上の務安空港、漂う焼け焦げた臭いと家族の泣き叫ぶ声…「どれだけ恐ろしい思いしたか」






The plane crash that occurred on the 29th at Muan International Airport in South Korea resulted in a tragedy where most of the 181 passengers lost their lives. Debris from the aircraft was scattered across hundreds of meters around the crash site, and families gathered at the airport were overwhelmed with grief.

Even around 4:00 p.m., approximately seven hours after the incident, the smell of burning still lingered in the air. At the crash site, located about 200 meters from the wall the aircraft collided with, parts of the fuselage remained as firefighters and police continued their search and recovery efforts.

An improvised morgue was set up at the airport, where the voices of family members crying out the names of their loved ones echoed. In a nearby tent where families were waiting, some confronted South Korean government officials, demanding explanations and shouting in frustration.

Tae Nam-suk, 63, whose second daughter and her husband were on the flight, tearfully said, “I can’t imagine the terror they must have felt, unable to escape.” The couple had been returning from a trip to Thailand with their coworkers. Tae shared that just about 10 days ago, she and her daughter had made kimchi together. “Have I really lost both my daughter and son-in-law? I want to know the truth, but there’s so much uncertainty,” she said, visibly devastated.

A man, 61, who lives in Gwangju near the airport, rushed to the scene after hearing the news. His sister and her husband were also on the flight, returning from a trip to Thailand. “What exactly happened? I just want them to confirm their identities as soon as possible,” he said. Nearby, the couple’s two children sat quietly, leaning on each other for comfort.

Prime Minister Ishiba Expresses “Profound Sorrow”

Prime Minister Ishiba issued a statement on the 29th in response to the plane crash at Muan International Airport in South Korea. “I feel profound sorrow at the loss of so many precious lives in this tragic accident. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the victims and their families and pray for the swift recovery of those who were injured,” he said.

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✅ 韓国・務安国際空港での航空機事故で犠牲になられた方々に深い哀悼の意を表します。今回の事故は着陸時の失敗が原因と報じられていますが、滑走路の設計、管制との連携、パイロットの判断、機体の整備状況など、複合的な要因が考えられます。特に滑走路周辺の安全区域の設計が衝撃吸収を十分に考慮していたか再検証が必要です。航空業界は早急に事故原因を解明し、具体的な安全対策を講じるべきです。家族支援も迅速かつ的確な対応が求められます。
✅ 動画で見ましたが、本当にいたたまれない事故ですね。
✅ 着陸は見事だったと思う。機首が上がりすぎとか言われているが、なぜか逆噴射が聞いてない模様で速度が落ちていない。機首はおろせなかったんだろう。もっと滑走路の長い空港とか選択肢はなかったのだろうか。お気の毒です。

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