




✅ 日本を再び「監視対象」に 介入、問題視せず 米為替報告









On the 20th, the U.S. Department of the Treasury released its Foreign Exchange Report, which analyzes the currency policies of major trading partners and regions.

Japan, which has a substantial trade surplus and current account surplus with the United States, was once again designated as a "monitoring list" country. However, the U.S. did not view Japan's currency interventions as problematic, noting that Japan has been transparent by publishing monthly intervention results.

A U.S. official explained to reporters that the yen-buying and dollar-selling interventions by the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan in April and May were not aimed at devaluing the yen to benefit exports. These actions were not considered "non-competitive practices," a concern for the U.S., and were not the reason for Japan's re-designation on the monitoring list.

The report noted Japan's large trade surplus with the U.S. and an increased current account surplus relative to GDP last year. It reiterated the stance that currency interventions should be limited to "extremely exceptional circumstances and conducted with appropriate consultation."

In addition to Japan, the monitoring list includes China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Germany, and four other countries and regions. The report called on China to provide a clear explanation for discrepancies between its current account data and trade records or market trends. No countries or regions were designated as "currency manipulators," which would trigger severe sanctions.

The Foreign Exchange Report evaluates whether countries meet three criteria: a large trade surplus with the U.S., a significant current account surplus, and unilateral, persistent interventions in the foreign exchange market. Meeting two of these criteria can result in a country being designated for the monitoring list. The report is submitted to Congress twice a year.

Japan had been on the monitoring list since the designation began in 2016 but was removed for the first time in the June report last year and was not designated in the November report either.

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✅ 2010-11年に日本が実施した円売り・ドル買い介入は、日本の輸出競争力を強める効果があったため(実際は救済の意味合いが強かった)、他国からすると”身勝手”な行動にみえた節があります。しかしながら、今回実施した円買い・ドル売り介入は自国の通貨価値を守るための「非競争的な行為」であり、他国に与えるマイナス影響は限定的です。故に、自国通貨買いの介入は売りに比べて他国の理解が得られやすいと言えます。
✅ 米為替報告書は、自国通貨安への誘導で不当に輸出競争力を高めようとしていないかを監視するもの。現在の円安は、米国の底堅い景気と高金利によるドル高が主因であり、為替操作とは異質のものです。また、最近の日本の為替介入は、円安抑止が目的で米国の懸念とは反対方向であるため、米国は問題視しない構えです。なお、今回は日本の経常黒字のGDP比が3%を超えたことと、大幅な対米貿易黒字がリスト入りの基準にヒットし、機械的に監視対象になりました。
✅ 金利差による通貨安は責めることが難しい。また日銀の札印刷による円安も責められない。だとしたら監視してどうするのか。そしてアメリカの巨額貿易赤字をどう改めるのか。EUのような関税障壁か、あとあるとしたらドルの暴落だ。世界がひっくり返るだろうが宿命だろう。


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