
早期リタイア望む若手男性増 背景[2024.9.15]

早期リタイア望む若手男性増 背景



✅ 早期リタイア希望の20~30代男性、7年間で「倍増」 その背景は?










An increasing number of young working men are expressing a desire for early retirement, according to a survey conducted this year by a private research firm. This trend is emerging in an era of declining birthrates and an aging population, where even individuals nearing retirement age are still considered to be in their prime working years. What factors are driving this shift in mindset among younger generations?

The survey, titled the "Survey on Employment and Growth of 10,000 Workers," was conducted by Persol Research and Consulting and targeted 10,000 men and women between the ages of 15 and 69 across Japan. The survey has been carried out annually since 2017, typically between February and March, and focuses on attitudes towards work.

In response to the question "Until what age do you want to work?", the average answer for men in their 20s was 58.0 years, and for men in their 30s, it was 62.4 years. When the survey was first conducted in 2017, these averages were 63.8 and 66.6 years, respectively, indicating that the desired retirement age has decreased by more than four years.

Additionally, the proportion of men in their 20s who wished to retire by the age of 50 or earlier increased from 13.7% in 2017 to 29.1%. Similarly, the percentage of men in their 30s who wanted to retire by the age of 55 or earlier doubled from 14.3% to 28.1%.

The survey showed that retirement preferences for women in their 20s and 30s, as well as for men and women over 40, have remained relatively stable. Mari Kanemoto, a researcher at Persol Research and Consulting, noted that "the increase in early retirement desires is particularly noticeable among men in their 20s and 30s."

Why are young men aiming for early retirement? When asked about their reasons, the top response for both men in their 20s (29.9%) and 30s (31.8%) was "I don’t like working." The second most common reason was "I want to enrich my personal life, including time with family, friends, or hobbies" (20s: 16.7%, 30s: 20.9%).

A shift in the reasons for early retirement has also been observed. One notable change is the increased response of "I have enough savings for life after retirement." Compared to the 2020 survey, this reason has grown by about five percentage points to 13.8% among men in their 20s, and by six percentage points to 14.6% among men in their 30s. Kanemoto attributes this to the rising popularity of financial independence and early retirement (FIRE) movements, where individuals accumulate wealth through investments, as well as the growing prevalence of dual-income households, which may reduce the need for men to be the sole breadwinners.

Kanemoto also pointed out that the desire for early retirement among young men does not necessarily reflect a lack of motivation towards work. Rather, it seems to indicate a growing emphasis on prioritizing personal life and adapting to rapid changes in the job market, such as the decline of traditional Japanese lifetime employment, which has made it harder for young people to envision their long-term future.

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✅ アラフィフです。昔からみんな働かないで済むならそうしたかったですよ。なにも変わっていません。
✅ 朝早くから夜遅くまで上司やお客様の顔色を見ながら、社畜として長く


✅ 夢と現実は違うことは誰でも分かる。早期退職でもっと自由な時間が欲しいという気持も理解できるが働かなくても資金力や財力がなければ夢で終わってしまう。自分のストレスの溜まるサラリーマン生活から解放されたいという気持があったけれど、結婚、子育て、老後の生活等を考えたら早期退職の決断はできなかった。今思えば生活するためにはそれがベストな選択だったといえる。


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