
春闘の賃上げ率5.24% 高水準維持[2024.4.4]

春闘の賃上げ率5.24% 高水準維持



✅ 春闘賃上げ率、中小4.69% 全体も33年ぶり5%超維持 人手不足が押し上げ・連合中間集計








In the interim tally of the 2024 spring labor-management negotiations announced by RENGO on the 4th, the weighted average wage increase, which combines base pay increases and regular pay raises, was 5.24% (¥10,037 monthly), maintaining the highest level in 33 years compared to the final tally of the past.Small and medium-sized unions, focusing on less than 300 people, exceeded the second round with 4.69% (¥12,097), compared to 4.50% (¥11,916).This time, the results of small and medium-sized labor unions that reached agreements by the end of March are largely reflected, and the wave of wage increases has spread to small and medium-sized labor unions, mainly in transportation and distribution industries suffering from labor shortages.As of April 2nd, responses received from management were aggregated from about half of the 2,620 unions that submitted wage increase demands among the umbrella labor unions. The wage increase rate for major unions with over 1,000 members was 5.28% (¥16,622).RENGO's Chairman, Yuko Yoshino, analyzed at a press conference on the 4th, "Labor shortages are a significant issue for small and medium-sized businesses. There is recognition that wage increases are necessary to stem the outflow of people." She emphasized that many small and medium-sized labor unions are continuing negotiations and expressed a desire to focus on continuing this trend of wage increases.On the 4th, the industry-specific labor union, UA Zenroren, which includes distribution and food service, also announced the status of agreements as of the end of March. The wage increase rate for regular employees averaged 5.49% (¥16,446 monthly), while part-time employees saw an average hourly increase of 6.11% (¥66.7), marking the ninth consecutive year that the increase rate for part-time workers has exceeded that of regular employees. At a press conference on the same day, Shoko Matsura, Chairman of UA Zenroren, expressed the view that "to some extent, the correction of disparities in working conditions has been achieved."

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✅ 毎月勤労統計よりカバレッジが広い厚生労働省の賃金構造基本調査によれば、2023年の一般労働者の所定内給与は30年ぶりの賃上げもあって前年比+2.1%と19年ぶりの水準まで上昇しました。
✅ 賃金は上昇しているものの、値上げラッシュも待っています。4月からは食品のおよそ2800品目が値上げされます。5月請求分の電気料金は、「再エネ賦課金」が引き上げられた影響で、各社とも前の月と比べて400円〜500円程度値上がりします。電気・ガスの負担軽減策に関しても5月使用分までで、いったん終了する予定です。食費や光熱費負担が増えるのでそれを差し引いて家計を考えないといけないです。
✅ 中小零細は、やむを得ず給与を上げるしかない状況に追い込まれていると思う。業績に関係なくね。


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