
東電 デブリ取り出し来週にも再開[2024.9.5]

東電 デブリ取り出し来週にも再開



✅ <福島第一原発>燃料デブリ試験的取り出し再開は順調にいけば来週 ミスで一時中断








Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has announced that the experimental retrieval of fuel debris, which has been suspended due to an equipment error, could resume "as early as next week" if things proceed smoothly.

At the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant’s Unit 2, an attempt to start the experimental retrieval of the fuel debris—melted and solidified nuclear fuel—on August 22 was halted when an equipment error was discovered. The issue stemmed from an incorrect sequence in the insertion of rods used to push a robot into the containment vessel. It was reported that this mistake occurred because the work was carried out by a cooperating company without TEPCO's direct supervision or approval, which raised concerns.

On September 4, TEPCO President Kobayakawa explained to Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Saito that the error was caused by a "simple task performed under high radiation levels, compounded by insufficient oversight from TEPCO." He indicated that TEPCO would reassess its involvement in such operations.

During a press conference on September 5, TEPCO stated that they would "prioritize safety and pause for the time being," adding that "it will take a few days to prepare the site, and work will resume after that." They mentioned that "if all goes well, operations could resume next week."

The suspension was due to the incorrect order of connecting rods used to push the robot into the containment vessel. TEPCO explained that "the cooperating company's workers were nearing their radiation exposure limit while transporting the rods, and they failed to accurately report that they had stopped midway." Furthermore, it was revealed that "for about a month, neither TEPCO nor the cooperating company verified the situation," leaving the error unaddressed.

The "fuel debris," with its extremely high radiation levels, makes it impossible for humans to approach, making its removal one of the most difficult tasks in the decommissioning process. Including the current suspension, this project has been delayed four times and is now roughly three years behind the original schedule.

It is estimated that there are approximately 880 tons of fuel debris at Fukushima Daiichi, and the "experimental retrieval" aims to remove less than 3 grams of debris.

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✅ 現場環境は、放射線線量が高く、また全面マスクで防護服を着こんだ状態での作業です。被ばく量を管理することから、できるだけ少ない人数で、短い時間での作業が必要になります。今回のトラブルを踏まえて、例えば監視カメラなどによるチェックや、作業員の方の視線カメラの録画画像など、被ばく量を抑えつつ、作業品質を確保する方策をしっかりと考えてもらいたいと思います。

✅ 格納容器にロボットを押し込むための
✅ 何かあった場合、現在の技術では人間の手に負えないエネルギー原子力。


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