
柏崎刈羽原発 夏の再稼働は絶望的[2024.5.1]

柏崎刈羽原発 夏の再稼働は絶望的



✅ 柏崎刈羽原発、今夏の再稼働は絶望的 能登地震で「地元同意」長期化





On the 30th, Tomoaki Kobayakawa, President of Tokyo Electric Power Holdings, stated regarding the restart of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Niigata Prefecture, "We will move forward to the next step once judgments are made at the site confirming its safety," without indicating a specific timeframe. TEPCO had just completed the loading of nuclear fuel into reactor Unit 7 on the 26th. However, prospects for obtaining local consent, necessary for the restart, are bleak. The anticipated restart this summer, which TEPCO and the government have been aiming for behind the scenes, seems unlikely.

This was discussed during the fiscal year ending March 2024 earnings briefing held on that day. It was the first time TEPCO's top executive held a briefing after the fuel loading. When asked about the summer restart of the plant, President Kobayakawa stated, "It is desirable to restart as soon as possible for stable power supply," emphasizing the necessity of local understanding.

The net profit, indicating the final earnings, was ¥267.8 billion in the black (compared to a ¥123.6 billion loss the previous year), marking a return to profit after two years. However, this was largely due to temporary factors such as decreased fuel costs, and the future outlook remains uncertain. Given the uncertainty surrounding the restart of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant for the fiscal year ending March 2025, the earnings forecast remains "undecided."

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✅ 最近の円安で、原油価格自体は安定しているものの原油の調達コストは上がっている。その価格が電気代に影響を与えるのは3~4カ月後。政府の補助金はなくなるし、夏の電気代がコワい。猛暑にならないことを祈るばかり。
✅ うちらの地域には周波数の関係でどちらでもない(福井県などの西日本地域は急いででも再稼働願う)話しだが、首都圏などのインフラと熱中症予防などには柏崎刈羽原子力発電所の再稼働絶望的であれば経済活動停止や熱中症死亡者増加などの社会問題が絶対に出る。一人でも多く熱中症犠牲者出さないようにまたインフラ円滑化には原発は全国共通稼働させることは絶対的になる。
✅ 柏崎刈羽では東電のトラブルやミスが多発していますからね。ほかの原発の再稼働への動きではここまでトラブルやミスは起きていないのに。



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