
歴代機密費 確認しないと閣議決定[2024.5.24]

歴代機密費 確認しないと閣議決定



✅ 歴代官房長官の機密費支出「確認する考えない」 答弁書を閣議決定





On the 24th, the government decided at a cabinet meeting that it would not consider reviewing the expenditure status of past Chief Cabinet Secretaries regarding the "Cabinet Office Compensation Fund" (confidential funds), which allows spending without requiring receipts based on the Chief Cabinet Secretary's judgment. This decision was made in response to a question submitted by Kaima Nakatani, a member of the House of Representatives from the Constitutional Democratic Party.

Regarding the confidential funds, the Asahi Shimbun reported that a former government official who served as Chief Cabinet Secretary under the Liberal Democratic Party administration testified that confidential funds were used for political activities during national elections.

In the response document, the government explained that there are no laws directly specifying the purpose of confidential funds and that the Chief Cabinet Secretary determines the purpose types of execution annually and at the time of succession. It stated that the funds are executed rigorously and effectively under the Chief Cabinet Secretary's responsibility and judgment. Additionally, it responded that there are no plans to review operations to strengthen the checking function, as it is also subject to inspection by the Board of Audit.

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✅ 機密費は、国民の税金である。
✅ 血税である以上、公開は基本中の基本だと思う。米国にも官房機密費的費用は有るが、ある期間が経過すると公開するルールに成ってる。何に使っても一切非公開なんてあり得ない。是非とも改革すべきだと思う。
✅ 国家にはすぐには一般公開できない事があると言う事を国民も理解しなければならないと思いますし、機密費とはその為にあります。

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