
畑岡奈紗が茫然 4位→通報で失格[2024.6.9]

畑岡奈紗が茫然 4位→通報で失格



✅ 「納得いかない…」畑岡奈紗が失格 ボール捜索が制限時間3分をオーバー 4位で終えた翌日に発覚








■ ゴルフ規則(抜粋)

18.2a 球が紛失またはアウトオブバウンズとなる場合


14.7b ストロークプレーで誤所からプレーした後にホールを終了する方法


・ プレーヤーが別のホールを始めるためのストロークを行う前に、またはそのラウンドの最終ホールでは、そのプレーヤーのスコアを提出する前にその誤りを訂正しなかった場合、そのプレーヤーは失格となる。

■英訳 Nasa Hataoka was disqualified before the start of the second round due to a rule violation the previous day. It was discovered that she had exceeded the three-minute search limit to find her ball on the final 9th hole (par 5) of the first round, after hitting it into the bushes. The tour conducted a video review following a report from an official on-site, confirming a violation of the rule for playing from the wrong place (Golf Rule 14.7b).

The previous day, Hataoka had hit her second shot on the same hole into the bushes to the right of the green, and searched for the ball with her fellow competitors and caddies. Golf Rule 18.2a stipulates a three-minute search time, but it is not officially timed by the referees. After finding the ball in the grass, Hataoka took an unplayable lie and completed the hole with a par, ending the round with a score of 65, placing her fourth at six-under-par.

However, on the morning of the second day, the tournament officials reviewed footage following a report from a TV reporter present at the scene, revealing that the search had taken 3 minutes and 25 seconds. The ball should have been declared lost, resulting in a penalty stroke and requiring her to play the fourth shot from the spot of the second shot. Because this error was not corrected before submitting her scorecard, she was disqualified.

On the morning before the second round, Hataoka was informed of her disqualification while warming up on the course, leaving her stunned. "I would accept it if my fellow competitors had pointed it out, but being informed by an external person and then facing this the next day is hard to accept. I never expected this to happen," she said, accepting the ruling despite her frustration.

The three-minute search time is not actually timed by a third party. The official present during her fourth shot from the green side was unaware that the players had been searching for the ball. There was no mention of the time limit at the scene as the official was explaining the unplayable lie procedure to Hataoka, and play continued.

The Golf Rules were amended in 2017 to include a clause stating that if video evidence shows a rule violation that could not be reasonably seen with the naked eye, such evidence would not be used to determine a penalty (Rule 20.2c). This was to address situations where players were penalized or disqualified after viewers reported violations. However, this did not apply in Hataoka's case. Sue Witters, the chief tournament referee, explained, "What changed seven years ago was that we no longer accept reports from viewers. However, this report came from a reliable source on the course."

If the incorrect play had been discovered before she holed out, Hataoka could have continued into the second round with a score of 67 (four-under) after adding a two-stroke penalty. It is regretful to think about what might have been if the report had come before she submitted her scorecard. (Galloway, New Jersey / Yoichi Katsuragawa)

## Excerpts from the Golf Rules

**18.2a - When Ball Is Lost or Out of Bounds**

A ball is considered lost if the player or their caddie cannot find it within three minutes of starting to search for it.

**14.7b - How to Complete a Hole After Playing from a Wrong Place in Stroke Play**

A player must decide whether to complete the hole with the ball played from the wrong place or to correct the mistake by playing from the correct place. In stroke play, what the player must do next depends on whether there was a serious breach, meaning whether the player gained a significant advantage by playing from the wrong place.

**Serious Breach:**
- The player must correct the mistake by playing from the correct place.
- If the player fails to correct the mistake before making a stroke to begin another hole, or in the final hole of the round, before submitting their score, the player is disqualified. ◇   ◇   ◇


✅ 「後から言われた」「外部から言われた」という点で納得がいかないことは、心情的には頷けます。ただ、全選手の全ショットやあらゆる状況を誰かが1から100まで見たり計測したりすることはできないため、その場ではわからなかったことが後からわかるケースはどうしても起こり、後からわかるからこそ「すでにスコア提出後」ということになって、失格という結末に至ってしまいます。2017年のルール改訂により、肉眼でわからなかったことは、その後の画像検証によってルール違反を問われなくなりましたが、それはボールが微妙に動いたかどうかといった類の検証で、ボールの捜索はこれには当たらないというのがルール委員の判断。米TV中継のリポーターは元プレーヤーも多く、ルールに精通していることも多いため、信頼しうる情報源とされたのでしょう。非常に残念な結果ですが、畑岡選手には同じ轍を踏まないよう、今後に生かして頑張ってほしいです。
✅ 現場にいた米国レポーター
✅ いつも思いますが、この3分ルールを厳格に適用するからには必ずその場で競技委員が計測すべきだと思います。


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