
紅麹 摂取中止も回復しない人複数[2024.5.22]

紅麹 摂取中止も回復しない人複数



✅ 「紅麹」サプリ、プベルル酸以外の候補は未知の物質か…専門家「特定に1年かかる可能性」




■機能性表示 見直し提言へ…消費者庁有識者検討会



The issue of health damage related to the supplement containing the "Red Yeast Rice" component from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical (Osaka) has been complicated by difficulties in identifying the causative substance. It has been two months since the company announced a voluntary recall of the product on the 22nd. Initially, citrinin produced by blue mold was detected in the raw material, but subsequent findings of multiple compounds suggest a prolonged investigation into the cause.

On March 22, the company announced that health damages such as kidney disorders had occurred in people who took supplements like "Red Yeast Rice CholesteHelp." On March 29, the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) disclosed that citrinin was found in the supplement's raw material. By April 19, the MHLW reported finding multiple other compounds. At a press conference on May 21, the MHLW stated that the structures of these compounds were becoming clearer, though they had not yet been identified.

The identification work is being led mainly by the National Institute of Health Sciences (Kawasaki City), involving: (1) analysis of the supplement's raw materials, (2) elucidation of the contamination route, and (3) evaluation of toxicity. In step (1), the components in the raw material causing harm, not originally included, are identified as "candidate compounds." If these candidate compounds can be narrowed down, the investigation moves to step (2) to determine how they were contaminated.

However, given the vast number of substances in the supplement's raw materials, the task is challenging. According to the MHLW, data characterizing the multiple candidate compounds found have been compared with known chemicals in various databases, but only citrinin has been identified, raising the possibility of unknown substances. For unknown substances, advanced analysis to determine detailed structures is required.

In step (3), toxicity evaluation involves testing the candidate compounds on animals to assess their toxicity and effects on kidneys, but there are many considerations, such as which animals to use and how to compare results with human symptoms. Professor Toshiro Watanabe of Sonoda Women's University, an expert in food analysis, noted that for unknown substances, obtaining sufficient quantities for steps (1) and (3) poses a significant challenge. Extracting them from the supplement's raw materials means that the conditions for efficient extraction must also be investigated, resulting in large volumes of experiments. Watanabe stated, "Each stage takes time, so it wouldn't be surprising if identifying the causative substance takes about six months to a year."

As of May 20, five people had died, and 276 had been hospitalized, according to the MHLW. The MHLW plans to announce the current status of the investigation by the end of May.

### Recommendations for Revising Functional Food Labeling by Consumer Affairs Agency Expert Panel

The Consumer Affairs Agency's expert panel, which has been discussing the functional food labeling system, has decided to recommend a revision of the system. One of the main points is to require businesses to promptly report all health damage information diagnosed by doctors to administrative authorities, regardless of the causal relationship with food or the severity of symptoms. The forthcoming recommendations are expected to seek legal mandates for such reporting.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical had registered the red yeast rice supplement as a functional food with the agency. Although the company was aware of the problem in mid-January, it did not report it to national or local authorities until more than two months later.

The agency has set up a panel of nine experts, including doctors, to discuss the system's revision since April. Although there are current guidelines regarding health damage, reporting has not been mandatory.

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✅ プベルル酸ならば急性毒くらいは調べただろうし、何の報告もない事から原因では無いのでは無いかな。

✅ どんだけ原因と思われる物質特定しても試験やるだけ損なんだけどね。どこまでいっても原因を肯定できる可能性はあっても否定できる可能性は限りなくゼロに近い(その物質が人での試験が不可能なため)わけで、とりあえず法律がないので原因が肯定できなければ逃げたいですという小林製薬のスタンスの問題。製薬としては最悪のスタンスだと思うが、化学メーカーだからかね。
✅ 今年になってから死亡や体調不良が出てるんだから、去年までと今年の製品の成分分析して、違いを比較すれば問題物質特定できそうだけど。そう簡単じゃないのかなあ。




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