
自公過半数割れ 官僚らは戦々恐々[2024.10.28]

自公過半数割れ 官僚らは戦々恐々



✅ 霞が関、衆院選結果に戦々恐々 法案決定過程に大きな変化も 「自公だけで決められず」













In the House of Representatives election held on the 27th, the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and Komeito fell below a majority for the first time in 15 years since the Democratic Party of Japan took power in 2009, suggesting the coalition may face challenges in stable governance. Bureaucrats in Tokyo’s Kasumigaseki government district, while calmly accepting the change, expressed concerns over the anticipated shift in the process of drafting legislation, which has traditionally been managed within the ruling parties.

Concerns Over Lack of Clear Leadership

“It can no longer be decided by the LDP and Komeito alone,” sighed a senior official from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The official recalls the confusion that ensued with the major policy shift when power transitioned to the Democratic Party of Japan in 2009. “It may be different this time, but depending on the policy, there is a risk of not knowing who within which party will take charge,” the official said, expressing concern over policies such as childcare support.

An official from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare commented, “With the LDP-Komeito government being in power for so long, the decision-making process is likely to shift gradually,” adding, however, that “it’s still unclear what impact it may have,” while keeping an eye on developments.

The Cabinet Office’s disaster prevention department, which has prioritized the establishment of a “Disaster Management Agency”—the top priority of Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba—also voiced concerns. “If there’s a split between the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, it would be the first time in over a decade. Will we be able to handle it well?” questioned a senior official.

While the opposition parties generally support strengthening disaster response administration, including recovery efforts for the Noto Peninsula earthquake, one official expressed hope that disaster preparedness would not become a “political weapon” as opposition parties might try to block any achievements ahead of the July Upper House election next year.

Potential Impact on Energy Policy

In the area of defense, where Ishiba holds significant expertise, there are no immediate issues likely to draw attention in the Diet. A senior official from the Ministry of Defense remarked, “While there’s no immediate effect, parliamentary understanding will be crucial in times of crisis. We’ll need to keep a close watch on developments.”

A senior official from the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, overseeing Japan’s transitioning energy policy, also expressed cautious monitoring.

Under the Kishida administration, Japan’s energy policy underwent a major shift, pivoting from phasing out nuclear energy to embracing it once more. On the 29th, Tohoku Electric Power’s Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 (Miyagi Prefecture) resumed operations, with Chugoku Electric Power’s Shimane Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 (Shimane Prefecture) scheduled to restart in December.

The official noted, “The major political parties have generally been in favor of nuclear energy, given the anticipated increase in electricity demand. I don’t think the current policy will change significantly,” adding, “We will monitor how the framework of the ruling coalition shapes up and proceed with drafting the Basic Energy Plan by the end of the fiscal year.”

However, in terms of local challenges, TEPCO’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant (Niigata Prefecture), which supplies electricity to the Tokyo metropolitan area, still requires local approval to restart. A TEPCO representative confided, “The Kishida administration was proactive in supporting restarts, but if we become a minority government, the approach may need to change.”

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✅ 仮に国民民主党や日本維新の会が連立入りしなければ、これまでの与党内の部会中心の政策決定から、国会中心の政策決定へと変わることを意味します。諸外国がそうなっているように、透明性から見ても本来これが望ましく、日本の政治議論の質が大幅に上がる可能性を秘めています。日本の政治報道は派閥や議員に番記者をつける政局報道が未だ中心になっていますが、国会審議の中で政策が決定されるのであれば、政治報道も同様に、政策議論の深掘りへと変容すべきです。それらが本当に実現するのであれば、単なる「政権交代」以上に、日本の政治史における分岐点になると思います。




✅ 今まで自民公明で閣議決定してきて、国民生活は良くなってこなかったが選挙の結果なのだと思います。閣議決定すれば役人には楽かもしれないけれど、政治は政治家の思惑で行うのではなく国民のために行ってもらいたい。


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