




✅ “致死率3倍”『劇症型溶連菌』新たな変異株「M1UK」急拡大 治療法と予防法を解説!

















 ヨーロッパやアメリカで急速に拡大中なのが、新たな変異株「M1UK」という株です。 毒性も感染力も強く、毒素の量が従来株の9倍です。この変異種は、すでに日本に上陸しています。2023年国内で確認され、2024年は感染者の4割以上に拡大していて、置き換わりが進行しています。

■実録 “人食いバクテリア” 数日で緊急手術






 手術では、腕の広範囲にメスが入り、医師には、「半日遅ければ手の施しようがなかった」と言われました。数日間の昏睡状態のあと、2カ月入院。 現在は普通に生活しています。 感染経路はわからず、心当たりも全くないということです。










 その後、手術で右足を失い、義足での生活になり、社会復帰できたのは半年後でした。 感染経路は不明ですが、心当たりは右足にあったわずかな傷だということです。








 劇症型溶連菌の感染経路です。傷口から溶連菌が体深くに侵入し、急速に増殖します。 「水虫」「床ずれ」「靴ずれ」「深づめ」などからも感染します。

 さらに、鼻やのどの粘膜から侵入する飛沫感染や、接触感染もあります。 しかし、半数は、感染経路が不明です。









A dangerous infection, "severe streptococcal infection," which can cause necrosis of the limbs and potentially lead to death, is spreading at a record pace.

**Characteristics? ‘Severe Streptococcal Infection’ Increasing at a Record Pace**

The number of cases of severe streptococcal infection, also known as "flesh-eating bacteria," is increasing. In 2023, there were 941 cases, a record high. By May 12, 2024, there were already 851 cases, about 2.8 times more than the same period last year, indicating a record pace.

**Interviews with the Public:**

**Woman in her 50s:**
"Recently, my daughter in her 20s went to the hospital thinking she had a cold and was diagnosed with a streptococcal infection. It wasn’t the severe type, but we didn’t know the treatment."

**Man in his 70s:**
"I thought another new infection had emerged. It’s scary to think you might get infected without knowing it. I want to know if there’s a vaccine."

**Woman in her 60s:**
"I used to think it was a disease kids got, but I’ve heard that adults are also getting infected recently, so I’m a bit worried. I want to know about prevention measures."

Anyone can catch streptococcus. It often resides in people's throats without causing symptoms, but if it exceeds a certain amount, symptoms like sore throat, fever, and rash can appear. It can spread from children to adults.

This streptococcus can suddenly mutate and rapidly proliferate, turning into "flesh-eating bacteria," or severe streptococcal infection.

**Symptoms and Characteristics of Severe Streptococcal Infection:**

Early symptoms include fever and swelling or pain in the limbs, but the condition can change rapidly. It can cause septic shock, limb necrosis, and multiple organ failure, with a fatality rate of 30%. Middle-aged and older adults are particularly at risk.

**Speed of Symptom Worsening:**

In the morning, you might notice slight swelling in your toes. By noon, the swelling could have progressed to your knee. By night, the swelling might turn from purple to black, leading to necrosis. Some cases result in death within a few dozen hours after symptom onset.

**New, Highly Contagious Variant:**

A new variant, "M1UK," is spreading rapidly in Europe and the United States. It is more toxic and contagious, with toxin levels nine times higher than the original strain. This variant was detected in Japan in 2023 and accounted for over 40% of infections by 2024.

**Real Cases of ‘Flesh-Eating Bacteria’ Leading to Emergency Surgery:**

**Case 1:**
A man in his 40s initially felt pain in his right finger, which he thought was gout. By midday at work, his entire hand was swollen and in pain. The next morning, he was diagnosed with severe streptococcal infection, with swelling up to his arm. Surgery was necessary, and the doctor mentioned the risk of death and potential arm amputation. He underwent extensive surgery, was in a coma for several days, and spent two months in the hospital. He has since recovered, with the infection source unknown.

**Case 2:**
A man in his 30s felt pain behind his knee on New Year's Eve 2023. By January 1st, he experienced vomiting, diarrhea, and a 39°C fever, suspecting norovirus. By the next evening, he was delirious and was diagnosed with streptococcal infection, likely through a rash behind his knee. Immediate surgery and a month-long hospitalization followed, with near-total kidney failure requiring dialysis every day or two. He started walking again two and a half months later, with a 50-50 chance of survival.

**Case 3:**
A man in his 20s felt slight pain and redness in his right foot after playing basketball. He visited a clinic the next day, received antibiotics and antipyretics, but no blood test. Four days later, his right foot was swollen, and by the seventh day, he lost consciousness and was diagnosed with sepsis from severe streptococcal infection, leading to emergency surgery and the loss of his right foot. He now uses a prosthetic leg and returned to society six months later. The infection likely started from a small wound on his foot.

**Case 4:**
A woman in her 60s accidentally dropped a flowerpot on her foot while gardening. Though it didn't bleed or show a major wound, her foot swelled two days later, requiring multiple skin grafts and a year-long recovery.

**Case 5:**
An 80-year-old man fell in a hot spring, bruising his right toe. Without seeing a doctor, he returned home the next morning. By that evening, his foot was swollen, and he was hospitalized with sepsis and multiple organ failure, dying the next day.

**Transmission Routes and Early Detection:**

Severe streptococcal infection can enter through wounds, rapidly multiplying. Common entry points include athlete’s foot, bedsores, blisters, and ingrown toenails. It can also spread through droplets and contact but half of the cases have unknown transmission routes. High-risk groups include the elderly and pregnant women, who may get infected from the placenta during childbirth.

**Preventive Measures and Treatment:**

Early signs include rapidly spreading swelling from a small rash or wound and sudden fever over 39°C. It's crucial to encircle the affected area to monitor changes. If severe streptococcal infection is suspected, call an ambulance immediately as quick intervention is critical.

**Treatment involves:**
Administering penicillin antibiotics and removing necrotic tissue.

**Prevention includes:**
Keeping wounds clean, wearing masks, gargling, washing hands, and using alcohol-based sanitizers.

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✅ 溶連菌にはこの20年で2度かかりました。ともに劇場型ではありませんでしたが40度近い熱と、とにかく強い喉の痛みできつい印象。ただ薬を飲んで24時間たてば他人には感染させないというお話を当時の先生からお伺いしました。ただ薬を飲んでからも早ければ十数時間で亡くなる劇場型を注意する報道は煽りでもなんでもなく本当に怖いですね。判断基準としてはあくまでも経験上ですが、他の病気より明らかに喉の痛みが強かったです。なので成人後2度目の溶連菌の時には、病院を予約する際、たぶん溶連菌かもとお伝えしたほど特徴的な体感でした。実際溶連菌でした。ワクチンはなく何度も何度もかかるものなので本当に気をつけましょう。
✅ 風邪だと思ったら溶連菌のコメントが多いけど、この記事でもそうだけど、2種類あるよ!傷口から感染するパターンと喉や鼻から感染するいわゆる風邪の2パターン。劇症化のほとんどは傷口からの感染のパターンだとの事。
✅ 喉から入って熱が出る溶連菌はあまり問題ではない。こまめに洗う事のない、足などの裂傷から劇場型溶連菌が入るのが危険だということ。手洗いは習慣になったけれど、足は毎回洗わない。自分は深爪なので、風呂に入ったら、つま先~ふくらはぎを薬用せっけんで2度洗いするようにしている。足の場合、怪我したらすぐアルコール消毒を習慣にした方が良いとも思う。これから暑くなると素足でサンダルを履きたくなるけれど、きちんと靴下と靴を履かないと駄目かなと考えている。


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