




✅ 若手には恩恵、報われない就職氷河期世代…これが「大幅賃上げ」の表と裏だ










According to the Monthly Labour Survey for June, released on the 6th, the average total cash earnings per person, which indicates nominal wages, rose by 4.5%, surpassing the 3.3% increase in the Consumer Price Index. This marks a continuous increase for the past two and a half years.

Although wage increases are being reported across various companies in line with rising prices, it is primarily younger employees who are benefiting.

"The average wage increase rate is around 5-6%, but this doesn't mean that all generations are receiving the same boost. Despite being touted as the biggest wage hike in 33 years, the focus has been on securing and retaining young talent, resulting in higher wages for younger employees. Unfortunately, this has led to existing employees, especially those higher up, receiving smaller increases. The situation is particularly difficult for those in their early 40s to early 50s, often referred to as the 'employment ice age generation'," says labor journalist Norifumi Mizokami.

The "employment ice age generation" refers to those who entered the workforce between 1993 and 2005, following the burst of Japan's economic bubble. Many of these individuals were unable to secure full-time positions upon graduation. In the year 2000, 22.5% of university graduates fell into the category of "freeters"—those who neither pursued further education nor secured regular employment. Even for those who did find jobs, non-regular employment was common, giving rise to the term "highly educated working poor."

"Despite being in the child-rearing stage of life, this generation has seen little to no wage increases. Moreover, they face limited opportunities for promotion, with higher management positions dominated by the 'bubble generation.' Even those who managed to secure full-time employment after years of being freeters now find themselves facing significant disparities," Mizokami explains.

In 2023, 14% of people in their 40s held financial assets of less than 1 million yen. With stagnant wages and minimal savings, many in this generation are facing the prospect of a difficult retirement. Adding to their woes, a wave of corporate restructuring is hitting this generation particularly hard.

"Corporate restructuring among publicly listed companies has accelerated this year, with more than 10,000 employees expected to be affected. Toshiba, which was delisted in December last year, granted full wage increases for three consecutive years but simultaneously announced plans to cut around 4,000 domestic jobs. In many companies, the targets for layoffs are overwhelmingly those aged 40 to 45 and older," Mizokami notes.

Will the "employment ice age generation" be able to find relief, or will they end their careers without ever having been adequately rewarded for their efforts?

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✅ 高卒初任給で20万超ですからね。自分は大手自動車会社工場勤務ですが、07年入社16.2万スタートでこの基本給に達するまで10年以上かかりました。この世代もリーマンショック禍で想像以上に冷遇されてきてます。
✅ 製造業・生産現場勤務です。若年層の方がアップ率は大きいかったけど、一応氷河期世代も上がりました。



✅ 人手不足の折、40~50代の社員をそうそう簡単にリストラできるとは思えない。一番働ける年代を大事にすべきではないか?極端な話、70歳まで働ける人は多いし、それまでに20年はある。




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