
藤井王座が大逆転 解説は言葉出ず[2024.10.1]

藤井王座が大逆転 解説は言葉出ず



✅ 永瀬拓矢九段「自玉の詰む詰まないを読むのが遅かった」王座戦終戦 AI値が83%→7%…中継も混乱騒然





The third game of the 72nd Oza Championship best-of-five series took place on the 30th at the Westin Miyako Hotel Kyoto, where Takuya Nagase (32) challenged Sota Fujii (22), who holds seven major titles, including the Osho title. Nagase lost to Fujii after 156 moves, marking his third consecutive defeat and ending the series with a heartbreaking comeback by Fujii in the final stages.

In the tense endgame, it was uncertain which player had the upper hand, but Nagase steadily cornered Fujii. However, after 11 hours and 25 minutes, with both players down to just one-minute moves, the tide turned unexpectedly at Nagase’s 146th move, where he allowed a reversal and suffered a bitter defeat. After the game, Nagase looked up at the sky, clearly disappointed.

At the 146th move, the AI prediction displayed on the ABEMA broadcast showed Nagase leading with an 83% advantage. However, after Fujii’s 147th move, the prediction reversed to a 93% advantage for Fujii. Commentators Taichi Nakamura (8-dan) and Kei Honda (6-dan) were left stunned, exclaiming, “What?! Why…? This is dangerous.” They paused momentarily, unable to speak. Nagase’s expression changed, and his face turned slightly red. From around the 150th move, he frequently wiped his mouth and held his head before resigning at the 156th move. Nakamura and Honda were similarly perplexed, noting, “Nagase had a clear miscalculation,” and marveling at Fujii’s prepared “trap.”

After the game, Nagase immediately spoke with Fujii, nodding repeatedly as Fujii replied, and responded with a slightly flushed face, “I see.” Reflecting in a later interview, he commented, “I was slow to read whether my king was in checkmate.” Speaking of the series overall, he said, “The only game where my position improved was this one, so I wanted to create more chances… but there were few.” When asked about the future, he paused and responded with determination, “From zero again… yes, I will work hard once more.”

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✅ 感想戦を見ていてあの終盤様々な変化を検討していた。実に難解な終盤だったかを垣間見れて、しかも2人とも真剣に時には笑みを浮かべながら本当に楽しそうで夢中に。
✅ 後半永瀬九段が優勢になっていたものの一手間違えると逆転される程に追い込まれた状態で、しかも一分将棋になり最後の罠に引っかかってしまったという感じでしょうか。
✅ 藤井聡太7冠の終盤力は群を抜いている。


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