




✅ 災害ごみ244万トン、途方に暮れる被災地 「手がつけられない」







"What should we start with?" In the disaster-stricken areas of the Noto Peninsula earthquake, debris from collapsed houses, walls, furniture, and appliances have remained untouched since the earthquake. On the 6th, Ishikawa Prefecture revealed that the estimated amount of disaster waste in the entire prefecture is 2.44 million tons, with an estimated 1.51 million tons in the heavily affected four cities and towns in Okunoto, equivalent to 59 years of annual waste generation. Victims are at a loss facing the debris covering the streets.

A woman (68) from Houshi district in Wajima City has become unable to live in her two-story house due to the foundation being destroyed. The six-member family has evacuated to relatives' homes, and during the day, they clean up broken glass and such. "It's beyond our family's capabilities. We'd appreciate volunteers coming to help, but..." Nearby, an elderly woman in her 80s said, "Appliances like refrigerators are trapped under the house. They'll have to be taken out with heavy machinery when the house is dismantled."

A female caregiver (58) from Kawai district in Wajima City lives alone in a house marked with a red "danger" notice indicating high risk of collapse in the rapid danger assessment of damaged buildings. Although contractors commissioned by the city are collecting disaster waste, it doesn't seem to be progressing well. "They're not coming to collect it easily. I understand it's difficult to deal with this much waste, but it's unsettling," she complained.

Suzu City, Noto Town, and Awashimaura Town are accepting disaster waste at temporary storage sites. Seventy-one-year-old Tanao Dougan from Takaridate district in Suzu City had the first floor of his two-story house collapsed. "We can't even start. Since our house is set back, we need the debris scattered on the road to be cleared first, or there's nothing we can do," he said in distress.

Yuya Mita (36), a company employee from Ogaki in Noto Town, lives with his mother and grandmother. The designated days for each area to bring in disaster waste are set, and he's trying to rent a light truck to transport it, but "It's difficult to go out on the designated day when I'm working. If we don't clean up the disaster waste, people who want to return (from evacuation) won't be able to. I strongly urge the government to respond quickly."

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✅ 東日本大震災の時も問題視された瓦礫処理だったが、故石原都知事による鶴の一声で身勝手な反対意見を一蹴して受け入れたのは素晴らしい英断だったと今でも思う

✅ 平時の場合と災害時とでは緊急性や早期復興への意味合いも変わってきます。個人の視点からすれば苦渋の決断もしなければならないでしょうし、公的な見方をすれば判断に迷うこともたくさんあると思います。そうした時 普段 選挙の時 地元を愛すると豪語する政治家、議員のみなさんが率先して動いてほしいところではありますが、現在のところ声高にそれをやろうとしている議員さんが見受けられません‥。現実的には知事をはじめ行政が主導して速やかな対応をしてもらえることに期待した方がいいのかも知れませんね。
✅ 東日本大震災の際にも問題になったが大量の瓦礫やゴミは現地以外に分散して処理しないとキャパオーバーになってしまう。


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