
袴田さんに死刑求刑 法廷ざわつく[2024.5.22]

袴田さんに死刑求刑 法廷ざわつく



✅ 「おかしいだろ!」と支援者から非難の声も 検察は袴田巌さんに死刑を求刑 袴田事件の再審公判



袴田巖さんの姉 ひで子さん









In the retrial of the so-called "Hakamada case" currently being held at the Shizuoka District Court, the prosecution demanded the death penalty for Iwao Hakamada today. We bring you a live report from outside the Shizuoka District Court.

The moment the prosecution uttered the word "death penalty," the courtroom was stirred, and voices of protest, such as "This is outrageous!" were heard from supporters. This marks another death penalty demand for Iwao Hakamada in a trial disputing an incident that occurred over half a century ago.

Iwao Hakamada’s sister, Hideko, stated, "Since this is Iwao’s trial, and he cannot speak now, I intend to speak on his behalf and convey what he wants to say."

Iwao Hakamada was arrested in 1966 for the murder of a family of four in the former city of Shimizu, Shizuoka Prefecture. While proclaiming his innocence, Hakamada underwent grueling, prolonged interrogations by the police.

During the interrogation, the officer said, "You killed four people. Apologize to the four people you killed. You are the murderer of four people. Moreover, you killed them and set a fire. I will take your tears to their graves and tell them that Hakamada is crying like this."

Twenty days after his arrest, Hakamada confessed to the crime. Although he continued to plead not guilty during the trial, he was sentenced to death.

Last March, 57 years after the incident, the Tokyo High Court cited the possibility that evidence was fabricated by the investigative authorities and ordered a retrial. The retrial has been ongoing at the Shizuoka District Court without Hakamada’s presence, as he was exempt from appearing in court due to health reasons.

During the 15th hearing, which began this morning, a written statement from the victims’ families was read, with the prosecution stating, "Please do not forget that there are victims who had their precious lives taken away."

Furthermore, the prosecution calmly demanded the death penalty, arguing, "The result of the crime, which instantly took the future of four victims, is extremely serious. It was a highly cruel and brutal act based on strong intent to kill. The grief of the four victims and their families is immeasurable."

In response to the prosecution’s closing argument, the defense reiterated its call for an acquittal, stating, "The prosecution is trying to create another wrongful conviction."

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✅ 60年にもなるのに未だにまた戦わされる苦しみ…
✅ 60年にもなるのに未だにまた戦わされる苦しみ…
✅ 私は袴田事件での当時の捜査機関の限りなく拷問に近い取り調べや証拠の捏造(ねつぞう)、検察による袴田巌氏に有利な証拠の隠蔽(いんぺい)や不開示、袴田巌氏を犯人と決めつけて糾弾(きゅうだん)してやまない姿勢には強い憤りを感じます。


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