
袴田さん無罪判決 検察が控訴断念[2024.10.8]

袴田さん無罪判決 検察が控訴断念



✅ 袴田さん無罪、検察が控訴断念発表 「捏造には不満」異例の総長談話










Fifty-eight years after his arrest, Mr. Hakamada’s acquittal has been finalized. This is the fifth postwar case in Japan where a confirmed death row inmate was found innocent upon retrial. In the previous four cases, prosecutors did not appeal, allowing the acquittals to stand.

The Supreme Public Prosecutors Office issued a rare “statement” under Prosecutor General Naomi Unemoto’s name, expressing “strong dissatisfaction” with the Shizuoka District Court’s ruling, which acknowledged evidence tampering, stating that “it is hard to accept the conclusion of tampering.” However, given the lengthy retrial petition process, the statement added, “Mr. Hakamada has remained in an unstable legal position for an extended period. It was deemed inappropriate for this situation to persist should the prosecution appeal, leading to the decision not to appeal.”

According to sources, there was opposition within the prosecution to the court’s judgment, which recognized evidence tampering. However, following the rejection of the prosecution’s arguments in both the retrial petition and the retrial trial, voices within the office called for “careful consideration” of an appeal.

Mr. Hakamada, a former professional boxer and employee at a miso manufacturing company, was arrested and indicted in 1966 on charges including robbery and murder. He “confessed” during the investigation phase but denied the charges in court, yet in 1980, a death sentence was finalized.

In the second retrial petition, which began in 2008, the Shizuoka District Court approved the retrial proceedings. After revocations by the Tokyo High Court and a Supreme Court remand, the Tokyo High Court confirmed the retrial in March 2023.

During the retrial proceedings, which began in October of the same year, the prosecution once again asserted Mr. Hakamada’s guilt and sought the death penalty.

In the September ruling of this year, the court found that the “five articles of clothing,” central evidence discovered in a miso tank after Mr. Hakamada’s arrest, had been “altered and hidden by investigators by adding bloodstains.” The ruling also stated that a piece of fabric allegedly cut from the pants was fabricated.

The prosecutor’s record of Mr. Hakamada’s confession during the investigation was also criticized as a “substantially fabricated statement obtained through inhumane interrogation.” Ultimately, the remaining evidence was deemed insufficient to establish Mr. Hakamada as the perpetrator, resulting in an acquittal.

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✅ ここにきてまだそんなことを言っててどうするのかと思いました。捏造への不満は、捏造があったかどうかの捜査もしっかりとやってからにしてほしいと思います。
✅ 当時と今では時代背景も違うが戦前や戦後すぐの頃に死刑判決をされ冤罪のまま執行されてしまった人がどの位いるんだろうかと考えると恐ろしくなる
✅ ひとつ違えば、袴田さんの死刑は執行されていたわけで、本当に恐ろしい話だと思う。こんな酷い話はないと思う。検察は取り返しのつかない過ちを犯したと思う。


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