
賃上げ 中小企業「きれいごと」[2024.3.23]

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賃上げ 中小企業「きれいごと」



✅ 「中小企業も賃上げを」の大合唱…でも現場では「きれいごと」と突き放す声 6割がコスト増の「価格転嫁が不十分」と回答、大企業との賃金格差広がる

























In the 2024 spring labor offensive, major companies such as Nippon Steel, which announced a 14.2% wage increase, Toyota Motor Corporation, and Hitachi Ltd. have all proposed wage hikes. The government hopes that the wave of wage increases will spread to small and medium-sized enterprises. The key to this lies in realizing "cost pass-through," where trading partners share the increase in production costs.

In November 2023, the government published guidelines to promote cost pass-through, leading to a chorus from both labor unions and business leaders urging for its realization. While signs of change are evident, there are also voices dismissing it as mere rhetoric and lamenting the widening gap with large companies. This was observed as reporters walked through the workplaces of employees of small and medium-sized enterprises. (Kyodo News = Marie Kobayashi, Yoshinari Nakajima)

- Rising raw material costs: Twice the burden, negotiating prices to survive -

Various industries such as automobiles and machinery are topped by large companies at the pinnacle of the pyramid, with numerous small and medium-sized enterprises supporting the supply chain at the base.

Stacks, a precision sheet metalworking company in Kawasaki City, manufactures parts for semiconductor manufacturing equipment and artificial satellites. Their expertise lies in processing iron and aluminum sheets as thin as 0.01 millimeters. Due to high prices, they have been raising wages since the fiscal year 2021, raising the basic salary of all employees by 2-4%. This was a response aimed at securing talent, considering raising starting salaries in their facilities in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture, and Tokamachi City, Niigata Prefecture.

The business environment is challenging. In recent years, raw material costs have doubled, and energy costs have increased by 1.5 times. In 2022, they notified all their suppliers of their policy to raise prices and began price negotiations with 20 to 30 companies. President Yoshifumi Hoshino (41) is puzzled by the dramatic increase in costs and says, "We are facing a drastic increase in costs, and we are negotiating in ways we have never done before because we cannot keep up with cost reductions within the company."

Raising product prices can secure the funds for wage increases, but not all companies are willing to accept the price increases desired by all enterprises. Preparing negotiation materials is also burdensome. President Hoshino explains, "Price increases are necessary for the survival of the company." As a purchaser of raw materials, when there is a request for a price increase from the supplier, they generally agree to the full amount after assessing it.

President Hoshino appeals, "If we have to bear the price increase somewhere for the supply chain to function, we will bear it at Stacks for the time being. I want large companies to seriously consider maintaining the supply chain for the sake of stabilizing services and delivery times."

- Pride recovery through wage increases -

Nasto Corporation, based in Minoh City, Osaka Prefecture, which produces towels, raised its employees' salaries by an average of 4.3% in the summer of 2023 and plans to implement a similar wage increase in 2024.
President Yukiro Ikeike (60) says, "Wage increases through business improvement are the ultimate goal. Amid declining international competitiveness of Japanese people, pride recovery through wage increases is necessary."

With soaring raw material and transportation costs, President Ikeike believes that "we need to change our product manufacturing and delivery destinations." It is difficult to raise prices for products in the low-price range sold in mass retailers due to intense competition. In the future, they plan to reduce such products and strengthen competitive products for sports brands, increasing deliveries for sports events, among other strategies.

- Harsh reactions: Considering ordering from other companies -

Masamutsu Takayanagi, president of Kawasaki-based sintered alloy processing, which produces engine parts for automobiles, began price negotiations with suppliers in 2022 when he took office as president. He had questioned the unchanged pricing since the time of the previous president.
However, the response from the other party was harsh, stating that labor costs, which are part of the personnel expenses, should be covered by corporate efforts, and they were considering ordering from other companies. Negotiations were difficult, and orders placed during that time ended up being delivered at the conventional price before the increase.

However, recently, the other party has approached with discussions on price increases. They also prepared documents to calculate the increase. President Takayanagi says, "Many small and medium-sized enterprises manage their businesses intuitively and cannot prepare materials for negotiations," supporting the changes in suppliers. He evaluates that the guidelines issued by the government last year to promote the transfer of labor costs are "quite effective" and hopes that such negotiations will spread nationwide.

With the rise in prices, the burden on employees' lives has increased, and they feel the need to raise wages across the board. President Takayanagi says, "Prices are soaring. I want to realize a base-up using the transfer of prices as a source of funds" and hopes for progress in negotiations.

- Great anxiety about the future, with 20% of union members retiring -

Another automobile parts manufacturer in the Tokyo metropolitan area saw 20% of its union members retire due to a decline in earnings after the COVID-19 pandemic. "There is great anxiety about the future due to deteriorating performance," says a labor union official. In 2023, they implemented a base-up to retain employees, but the amount remained at 3,000 yen.

The union official laments, "The transfer of increased raw material costs to trading prices is delayed, and we have to bear the delayed portion ourselves. Major automobile manufacturers say they want the momentum of wage increases to spread to small and medium-sized enterprises, but it's just talk. The wage gap between major companies and small and medium-sized enterprises is widening."

Although the high-level wage increases of large companies are reported daily, the entire supply chain is struggling to cope with the wave of wage increases. "Component manufacturers are facing a really tough business environment. I want them to promote price pass-through," he emphasizes.

- Wage gap between major and small businesses widens to a maximum of three times in 23 years -

The stagnation of wages in small and medium-sized enterprises is a significant problem that has been neglected under the deflationary economy of the past few decades. Realistic conditions can be gleaned from data compiled by the industry-specific labor union "JAM," which represents mainly small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.
JAM compared the average monthly base salary for companies with fewer than 300 union members and those with over 1,000 members. For a 30-year-old who joined right after high school, the difference was 9,307 yen in 2000, but it widened to 29,184 yen, or 3.1 times, in 2023.

The same trend was observed for 25- and 35-year-olds. At age 50, there was no significant difference as at age 30, but for companies with fewer than 300 employees, the monthly wages had decreased by about 18,000 yen since 23 years ago. A JAM representative analyzes, "The wage curve hasn't risen as expected." Under the deflationary economy, they also point out that subcontracting fees for small and medium-sized enterprises have been "pressed down."

- More than half of the small and medium-sized enterprises planning wage increases are struggling financially -

According to a survey by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the percentage of small and medium-sized enterprises planning wage increases for the fiscal year 2024 increased by 3.1 points from the previous year to 61.3%. However, when looking at the financial performance of these companies planning wage increases, the majority of them are experiencing sluggish performance but still intend to raise wages, revealing a challenging internal situation.
Amidst the key role of realizing cost pass-through in improving earnings, a survey conducted by the manufacturing industry division of the industrial labor union "UA Zensen" up to January 2024 revealed that 60% of respondents answered, "Cost pass-through has progressed but is still insufficient." Regarding costs, 36% stated that they were unable to pass on any portion of labor costs, which are part of personnel expenses, highlighting the difficulty of additional charges. For raw material costs, 15% and for utilities, 17%, could not be passed on.

Professor Hisashi Yamada of Hosei University (Labor Economics) points out, "While the trend of wage increases has become established mainly among major companies, its spread to small and medium-sized enterprises is insufficient." The government emphasized the need for policies to promote collaboration, including support for shared mechanisms for talent development among companies, in addition to supporting cost pass-through. This is necessary to enhance the productivity of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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✅ 公取委からの指導により、大企業は取引先と定期的な価格討議を求められる行動とされます。また、取引先からの要請があれば随時に価格討議もすることが求められています。

また、海外ではEPAという仕組みがあります。これはEconomic Price Adjustment の略で、売買取引が始まる当初から原材料費等の変動を自動的に売価に反映する仕組みです。

✅ 株価がバブル期を超えたというのは、大企業のはなしである。
✅ 中小にとっては本当に厳しい時代になってきた。取引先の大企業としても、同じものを仕入れるなら安い方からっていうのが当然。


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