11月電気料金 大手10社で値上がり
On the 30th, Japan’s ten major electric power companies announced that electricity bills for standard households in November (billed in December) will increase by 513 to 650 yen compared to the previous month. This is due to the end of government subsidies for electricity and gas costs, which were introduced as a measure against extreme summer heat and concluded with October usage. For Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the monthly bill will rise by 608 yen to 8,868 yen.
Gas prices from four major city gas companies, including Tokyo Gas, will also rise by 209 to 274 yen compared to the previous month.
The subsidies were initially implemented in January 2023 as a response to soaring fuel prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, aiming to alleviate sudden changes. Although they ended once in May, the former administration under Prime Minister Fumio Kishida decided to resume them from August to October for three months, funded by a reserve budget set aside for inflation countermeasures.
For electricity in October, the subsidy was 2.5 yen per kilowatt-hour. While standard usage varies by company, the end of subsidies will result in an increase of 575 to 650 yen. As a result, Hokkaido Electric Power’s rate will rise by 513 yen to 9,491 yen, and Kansai Electric Power’s rate will increase by 650 yen to 7,664 yen.
The government is expected to finalize comprehensive economic measures in November, and support measures addressing the rising costs of electricity and gas are also under consideration.
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✅ 今月の上旬には10月末で終了予定の電気・ガス料金補助金(激変緩和措置)が1月にも再開する案が検討されているというニュースが出ていましたが、いまのところ具体的な延長・再開については決まっていないようです。
✅ 現在の政治状況を見ると、政府は早々に補助金の再開に踏み切るのではないか。野党も反対するとは思えない。補助金が出るとはいえ、光熱費を押さえるための草の根的な省エネ対策は必須だ。暖房で温めた室内の熱が戸外に逃げる割合は窓からが約60%、床からが約7%と言われ、窓と床の対策が欠かせない。理想を言えば国の補助金を利用した断熱リフォームが望ましいが、そこまで大掛かりでなくてもホームセンター等で断熱シートやマットを早めに入手し、できる対策をしておきたい。