




✅ 〈退職金2,000万円〉〈年金月22万円〉65歳で仕事を辞めた元サラリーマン、楽しかったのはわずか2週間「毎日テレビばかり観ています」の苦痛
















内閣府『こども・若者の意識と生活に関する調査 (令和4年度)』によると、広義の引きこもりの出現率は40~69歳で2.97%。40~65歳に限ると、2.02%。








In a salaried career, there are several pivotal moments that require significant decisions. Among the biggest is “retirement.” According to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare’s 2022 Employment Conditions Survey, 94.4% of companies have a retirement age policy. Of these, 96.9% enforce a mandatory retirement age, with 72.3% setting it at 60. This means that 66% of all companies have set the retirement age at 60. At that point, around 60% of salaried workers face the choice of either leaving their jobs or continuing to work. The reality is that many employees choose to continue working through the extended employment system.

Why continue working even after reaching retirement age? Mainly because the standard age for pension benefits to begin is 65. Quitting at 60 would leave a five-year period without income. Assuming living expenses similar to those of a single elderly person, monthly expenses might be about 150,000 yen—amounting to 1.8 million yen per year, or 7.2 million yen over five years. Even if you have prepared a substantial retirement fund, it’s hard to predict how long you will need it, so extending the lifespan of those assets is important. With this in mind, no one wants a period where income is nonexistent, and savings are merely dwindling.

Working an additional five years also brings the benefit of increasing pension income. While National Pension contributions are capped at 480 months, after which the pension amount doesn’t increase, the Employees’ Pension is different. For example, for an average salaried worker at a large company with a college degree, if they retire at 60, they can expect 131,000 yen per month from the Employees’ Pension, plus a Basic Pension of 199,000 yen monthly from age 65. However, if they continue working until 65, the Employees’ Pension rises to 149,000 yen, and the combined total is 217,000 yen. Working those extra five years can mean an additional 20,000 yen per month in pension.

A difference of 20,000 yen per month in retirement income can be quite significant.

—“The thought of a period without income is scary, and working increases my pension.”

It’s understandable why most people would choose to keep working.

Then, at 65, when pensions begin, some may have accumulated enough wealth to live solely on their pension or supplement any shortfall with savings, ensuring they’ll never run out of money. If this is the case, they might choose to stop working when pension payments begin.

As mentioned, the average monthly expenditure for a single elderly person is around 150,000 yen. With pension benefits generally amounting to about 85-90% of their gross value, receiving 176,000 yen monthly should cover basic living expenses. Plus, having savings for unexpected costs offers extra security.

Mr. Makoto Kawashima is one person who, after retiring at 60, worked until he was 65 before leaving his job.

—“I retired at 60 and received a lump-sum retirement payment of around 20 million yen. Starting at 65, I receive a pension of just over 220,000 yen. I live alone, own my home, and have enough savings to enjoy a few luxuries, so I felt I could live comfortably and decided to quit working.”

He notes that some colleagues chose to keep working after 65 due to lingering concerns.

—“I realized that I’d never stop worrying if I let it continue, so I decided to set a limit.”

Mr. Kawashima says that once he decided to quit work when he started receiving his pension, he felt an unexpected sense of excitement. As he is single, he had no family obligations and could dedicate himself to his work, but he also admits to some regret over not having time for anything else.

—“What should I do after quitting my job?”

Thinking about it was exciting, he says. But now, he appears withdrawn. When asked what happened, he replies, “I haven’t spoken to anyone in two weeks.” What does he mean?

According to the Cabinet Office’s 2022 Survey on Youth and Young Adults’ Attitudes and Lives, the prevalence of broader “social withdrawal” is 2.97% among those aged 40-69, and 2.02% for those aged 40-65.

Among those aged 40-65, the most common age at which withdrawal begins is “60-64,” at 21.8%, followed by “65-69,” at 15.4%. The primary reason for withdrawal is “retirement,” with 37.3% citing it as the main cause. By age group, 38.6% in the 60-64 bracket and 52.1% in the 65-69 bracket identified retirement as the reason. Despite the idea that leaving work should free up time for things they couldn’t do while working, one in fifty former salaried workers ends up withdrawn.

For Mr. Kawashima, “the enjoyment of retirement only lasted about two weeks,” and he has since withdrawn into his home.

—“After I quit working, I spent my days drinking in the afternoon, watching TV aimlessly—a lifestyle I couldn’t indulge in during my working days. At first, it was enjoyable, but gradually, the monotony of ‘just watching TV’ became agonizing, and thinking about what to do next became painful.”

—“After I quit, no one reached out. All my relationships were work-based. Naturally, there’s no reason to talk if I’m not working.”

Interactions are now limited to exchanges like, “Would you like a bag?” “No, thanks,” or “How would you like to pay?” “Cash,” when buying food. He says it’s not uncommon for days to pass without saying a single word.

—“After wanting to quit so badly, it’s ironic that work was all there was.”

Mr. Kawashima is now considering returning to work, hoping to reconnect with people.

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